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Bullies cause depression

Present || Leonardo

A few days went by, peacefully to say the least. Nobody really bothered me except Alonzo. Even seeing Alex became a regular occurrence. The others would either stay in their rooms or work until late, Antonio and Giovanni, by the time they got home I'd be asleep.

Today is the first day of attending my new school, anxiety doesn't hesitate to eat my insides.

"I swear, Monday is the worst day to exist," Alonzo groaned, shoving his head into arms on the kitchen island.

Luca chuckled," Gotta make those big bucks somehow."

"Why don't you just quit school and find a pretty rich girl to marry?" Giovanni suggested, lips curling.

Alonzo glared at him," Fuck off to work why don't you."

Antonio smacked the back of his head," Mind your language." Briefly glancing at me, he turned and nodded to Giovanni," I'm off then."

Giovanni nodded in turn, placing his coffee mug in the sink," I'll go with you, I've got a meeting near your workplace anyway."

They both turned to exit the kitchen, Giovanni ruffling Luca's hair, getting a harsh glare in return. 

"Have a good day at school Leonardo," Antonio stated, hurriedly exiting the kitchen.

My eyes lit up at his words only to dim once again at Giovanni's harsh glare.

"Ignore him Leo, he's just grouchy because he has to work." Alonzo drawled, head poking out of his arms.

Giovanni rolled his eyes," We can't all be afford to be lazy like you I'm afraid."

"I'm not the one who dropped out of university!" Alonzo replied in a cheery tone.

Glaring intensely at Alonzo he muttered," I'll deal with you when I get back."

As soon as the he left, the smile disappeared from Alonzo's face," Leo remember, if any prick gives you problems, call me right away okay?"

Not giving me a moment to reply, he stuffed his face with another piece of toast and ushered me out the door," Don't want to be late on your first day!"

We walked towards the front door before a cold voice called out," I'll take him."

My blood ran cold at my fathers words, my eyes immediately went to Alonzo, pleading with him to intervene.

"Dad it's fine, you're busy right? I'll take him." He smoothly replies, swinging his keys around his index finger.

Father's dark eyes narrowed on Alonzo," Your school is half an hour away from Leo's, you can't afford to have any more lates'."

Alonzo grumbles, "It's his first day and since I'm only one who's been taking care of him, I'm taking him."

My eyes repeatedly dart from Alonzo to my father, the tension dramatically rising in the room.

"Is that what you'd like Leo?" 

Shocked, I snap my neck towards father, not believing what he just said.

He cocks his head to the side," Would you like to go with your brother?"

Hesitantly, I nod my head, guilt pooling inside me.

I shouldn't feel guilty, I'm not safe around father, around any of my brothers.

Alonzo, Alex and Matteo are the only exceptions. The only people I can be relax and be myself without constantly flinching or having to fear for my life.

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