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And one day, you're name never made me smile anymore

Present || Leonardo

I looked around in awe. The mall was massive. Ceilings as tall as skyscrapers and shops at every turn we went to. 

There were quite a few food shops and stalls scattered around too. Overall, it looked like a calm place.

If only there weren't so many people.

A hand on my back made me flinch and made the anxiety bubbling up inside of me only grew.

"Are you okay Leo?" Alonzo looked at me, worry etched on his features.

Is it normal to feel this sad and happy at the same time when someone cares about you?

"I-I'm f-fine." Great, my stutter is back.

Alonzo frowned at me and knelt down so we were at eye level. 

"If you want to go back, we can. I can just help you order clothes online and it'll be easier," I stood there, hesitating.

He gave me a soft smile," Whatever makes you comfortable, don't worry we can come another time."

Who knows if there'll be another time? What if you get tired of me in a few days and go back to treating me like before?

I shook my head and muttered," It's fine."

Alonzo stood up, clearly unconvinced but didn't say object.

"Alright, if you're sure. Let me know if it gets too much and we'll head home straight away. I know you haven't been out in public for a while. With the-" He stopped mid sentence and cursed under his breath.

He glanced at me apologetically," I'm sorry Leo I didn't mean to bring that up."

I shrugged and followed him along, allowing him to drag me from store to store, trying to ease my mind off the words he had said.


That was a word which I had come to hate.

Home was supposed to be a place which you found comfort in. A place where you could rely on you're family. 

Thinking of home, and the horrors that came with it, I dreaded going back.

I glanced at Alonzo, paying for the clothes which he had so generously picked out for me. I thought we had come shopping for a few necessities, not the whole store.

Alonzo only grinned at me and said," We're not the ones paying are we?"

He had a point.

I smiled watching him trying and failing to flirt with the cashier, giggling at his foolishness. Looking back at me, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly payed for our things. 

Grabbing my hand and the bags in the other, we walked out of the store and towards a food booth.

Alonzo was my brother. My older brother who vowed to protect me. As long as he's there, it'll always be home.

 Home is where the people you love reside. I just hope this love lasts and we don't drift apart, like back then.


I frowned looking at all the bags we had with us and couldn't help but huff in annoyance. Alonzo stopped feasting on his food and raised an eyebrow.

"How are we going to carry all this?" I crossed my arms and he sheepishly smiled at me. He didn't look sorry in he slightest.

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