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The queen's health deteriorated quickly after giving birth to her first child. Katerina found herself barely able to sit up or even keep her eyes open. She swayed in and out of consciousness for days, barely awake long enough to swallow spoonfuls of soup ladled past her lips. Her fingers curled endlessly, reaching for her child.

"Shh." Alexander's mother sat at her bedside most days, watching over her as the two men worked. Alexander attempted to argue a trade deal of Lenningston goods with Claridon allies but their friendship didn't appear to be worth much as each request had been denied.

Lenningston was practically cut off from the rest of the world, all their prior routes having been barred on either side because of the former king's actions. Alexander wasn't too sure how to handle himself, but he did know he wanted to return home soon to see his wife and child. He had only been present for a few hours after their daughter's birth before he had been called away.

He didn't even know if she was awake and well yet. He hoped she was and he simply did not know.

He returned home today after two weeks, riding through the castle gates with a profound swiftness.

The moment he saw her, he crumbled beside her bed, grabbing the sheets, "My beautiful Katerina." He smiled, happy to see her at least, but his joy was masked by the large tears that welled behind his eyes.

"She has been doing much better, you simply must have faith." His mother soothed him, "Trust the Lord, she will be alright."

"I don't know if this is something I can place in the Lord's hands." Alexander grumbled, "She is still not well. How is that possible."

"She needs time to recover that's all. Your child has still been able to nurse and Lady Katerina is more coherent by the day. Just wait." She assured him with a smile.

Alexander nodded, bending over to take his daughter from her, cradling her closely to his chest. Her head was covered in soft golden fuzz. Her eyes were blue like the sea and every inch of his heart loved her. She was a duplicate to her mother and would certainly grow up to be just as lovely.

"Now that you're home, I am going to see to your father." His mother smiled, straightening her skirt as she stood up, "Faith, son."

"Faith," he repeated, rather unenthusiastic.

His mother left without another word, giving him a final sympathetic smile and closing the door behind her.

Alexander sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes entirely on the beauty that was his own child. He still could not believe they had a child. It was more magical than anything he could have imagined. Nothing filled him with more pride than this small being that had only just come into this world.

"You look just like your mother." He whispered, entirely overjoyed.

His smile dropped and his attention completely diverted, hearing his wife's breathing become labored. All the words upon his tongue at the excitement of her being awake, disappeared upon the sight of her puffy red eyes and the many tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry." Was all he could manage, feeling moronic the moment he said it. He glanced at the baby in his arms and gently offered her to Katerina, "Look. Look what you did! There is nothing to cry about." He promised, kissing the top of her head.

Still, she continued to cry, a single tear landing on the baby's cheek, making her cry out. Alexander grabbed his handkerchief from his back pocket, swiping it across his wife's cheeks. She looked up at him with so much guilt behind her eyes he could feel the same pain in his own heart.

"It's a girl." She whispered, more tears escaping her eyes as soon as she spoke.

"And she's beautiful." Alexander tried to comfort her, "Darling there is nothing to be upset about! You're both healthy." He pushed some damp hair from her forehead.

"No. No... No." Katerina slowly but violently, practically threw herself side to side. So much so, that he reached to hold the child stable so she wouldn't harm her by accident, "It's not- it's not."

"What's not?" He urged, "Please, calm down!" He pushed on her shoulders, forcing her back into her the cushions propping her up.

"I told you this would happen! I told you I was cursed and now so is she!" She nearly shouted the only thing keeping her voice at a docile level was the small being in her arms, "You wanted this to happen." She snarled.

"Wanted?" Alexander knelt, leaning on the bed with both arms as if in prayer, "I want a wife and child. A son, a daughter, it has never mattered to me! Katerina, stop this!" He commanded, "Why are you..." He trailed off, a sinking grim feeling that he knew what she was talking about gripped his guts, "The curse... right."

Her glassy eyes looked up at him, "I'm sorry. I can't trust you."

"Please, my sweet mutt," His paused a moment, his teasing tone hanging in the air until a small crack of a smile appeared on her lips. He stroked her hair, lying smoothly on the pillow as the former queen helped to keep her clean and groomed, "My beautiful Katerina, trust me. I will promise you whatever I must to save you from this pain. Please. I want to be your husband and I want to be a father for our children. Don't take that from me."

Katerina looked away, pained because she knew the choice she had to make. Even if she had it her way, she would simply once again become a prisoner in her own home. He wouldn't let her go, especially not with their child. As much as she loved him, she could never fully trust him. She could not trust any man. "Then you must swear to not only me but the Lord above that you will never harm our daughter. You will never do what my father did. Or else you will feel the wrath of the Lord. Lest he smite you down by his holy hand. If you can swear this before him, I will try to trust you."

With no hesitation he responded, because he had already made these very same promises before the Lord, "I promise you that I will never lay a hand upon our child, let alone lust after her in my heart. Katerina, you are the only woman for me and I would rather be put to death than ever be with another woman- especially my flesh and blood." He cradled both her cheeks in his hands, pressing their foreheads together, "Put me to death if I break this vow."

I wish to continue this book with a mixture of other fairy tales... I just need to find the right one.
However, the season of thousandfurs has indeed run its course. Until it's edited. Then there might be some changes, but that won't be any time soon.
Finishing my senior thesis which also includes a massive Sci-fi novel my boyfriend and I are writing. It's something different, no smut or anything but when I tell you this shit is middle earth level fleshed out. We have a 3D map of everything.

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