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As the days ticked away,  They used to  exchange some letters, whenever any younger ones come from Jaipur to Ajmer, Jai used to give letters for her they teased him but as if he was affecting? Yess!!!!!!! HELL YESS!!!!! But he'll not show this to anyone, then radhika used to pass another letter for him and youngers kept teasing her making her blush it made a deep emotional bond between them .
They also scheduled nightly phone calls, during which they would talk for hour, sharing stories and getting to know each other better.

Again as the time passed,

the air in both the Shekhawat and Rajawat households was filled with excitement. With just 21 days left until King Jai Rajawat and Radhika Shekhawat's union, preparations were in full swing. The cultural fusion of Ajmer and Jaipur was evident as both families diligently carried out the sacred rituals in their respective cities.

The highly anticipated "Byah Haath" ritual was approaching, a tradition that held immense significance in both families' hearts. Married women from the households and neighboring areas gathered, their voices uniting in joyous Mangal Geet. The songs echoed with the promise of a blissful union, infusing the surroundings with positivity.

 The songs echoed with the promise of a blissful union, infusing the surroundings with positivity

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In the courtyard of the Shekhawat palace & Rajawat palace, adorned with delicate fabrics and shimmering ornaments

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In the courtyard of the Shekhawat palace & Rajawat palace, adorned with delicate fabrics and shimmering ornaments. Under its shelter, elderly women lovingly rolled out dough to create intricate patterns for the Mangodi, the lentil and jaggery sweets that were symbolic of the sweetness and richness of the upcoming union. Laughter and stories flowed freely as the women worked together, infusing each sweet with their heartfelt wishes for the bride and groom.

As the women blessed the soon-to-be-wedded Bride & Groom, their heartfelt wishes echoed through the festive ambiance. Jai took Blessings of the elders and goes to his office leaving his family sighing at his nature, whereas Radhika was fully enjoying the function dancing, playing, eating mangodi's with her cousin Shreya who's close to her.

 Jai took Blessings of the elders and goes to his office leaving his family sighing at his nature, whereas Radhika was fully enjoying the function dancing, playing, eating mangodi's with her cousin Shreya who's close to her

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The event was not just a celebration but also a reflection of the rich cultural heritage that bound the families together. The colors, traditions, and rituals merged to create a tapestry of joy and togetherness, marking this period as an unforgettable moment in the lives of everyone involved.
It was the time of Naandi Ganesh pooja. It is believed to ensure the blessings of Lord Ganesh and other Hindu deities, guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free ceremony. As Bappa is called "Vighan Hartaa" the one who takes all the problems away.

Jai and Radhika did their Naandi Ganesh pooja at their places.
Jai, dressed in regal attire, stood before a resplendent idol of Lord Ganesh, adorned with fragrant flowers and incense. He closed his eyes in deep devotion, seeking the divine blessings for their union.

Meanwhile, Radhika, in her intricate beautiful attire, was surrounded by a bevy of women, each offering their blessings and guidance. She too did Naandi Ganesh pooja with full of devotion.

completing the Naandi Ganesh pooja. It was said that at this moment, Lord Ganesh bestowed his divine blessings upon the couple, ensuring their love, happiness, and prosperity.

It was belief in tradition, that Lord Ganesh himself would come to give blessings to bride and groom in the wedding, but not in his usual form. Instead, he would manifest as a small boy, a divine presence to oversee the rituals. This young embodiment of Lord Ganesh was affectionately referred to as Vinayak

 This young embodiment of Lord Ganesh was affectionately referred to as Vinayak

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The time came when the Families had to leave for "Udaipur"
As the cars carrying the various family members of the Shekhawat and Rajawat clans embarked on their journey to Udaipur, the atmosphere inside each vehicle was filled with a unique blend of excitement. Their King Jai and Radhika were finally going to be married in just 15 days, and all the remaining ceremonies leading up to the grand event would take place in the majestic Udaipur palace of the Rajawats.

In one car, Dada Sa, Dadi Sa, Maa Sa, and Baba Sa of Jai sat together, discussing the upcoming festivities and the grandeur of the Rajawat palace.

In second car, Radhika's Maa and Baba and Jai's Kaka & Kaki were sitting and discussing about marriage and other things.

In Third car, Jai's sister-in-law, sat with her husband, and their children. Radhika's brother, and his wife, were sitting with them filling the car with laughter and chatter.

However, the most significant moment was in the car carrying the bride and groom themselves. Jai, sitting next to Radhika, stole glances at her, a mixture of love and admiration in his eyes. Radhika, couldn't help but blush and smile back at him.

Jai's sister, and his younger brother, were with them, Aditya, He made a weird face when Jai asked him to take the wheel, but he knew he couldn't disobey his older brother.

As Aditya started driving, Arya sat in the passenger seat, doing annoying things, whereas Jai and Radhika, though they had exchanged phone calls and letters, found themselves in a moment of hesitation when confronted face-to-face.

But then, as the car rolled down the highway towards Udaipur, the awkwardness melted away.

A thing happened first time, Jai reached out for Radhika's hand, and their fingers entwined, symbolizing their journey together.

A thing happened first time, Jai reached out for Radhika's hand, and their fingers entwined, symbolizing their journey together

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