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Hey guys this chapter dose have a panic attack in it. I do deal with these myself and these are symptoms I get. It's different for everyone!💚

I'm sitting in math class and everything just seems to be annoying me more. The kid next to me who is clicking his pen. The sound of pens and pencils writing on paper. The teachers marker screeching on the whiteboard with her talking. It's all just.. more. The lights are brighter, the chair is more uncomfortable like I can feel every little thing that is touching me. The girl in front of me, I can smell her perfume more. It's all just overwhelming my senses. It's to much!

I quickly stand up from my seat and run out of the class, I can hear the teacher calling me from behind but I don't turn around. I hear someone running after me. But I don't care I'm just trying to get somewhere quiet. I get to a corner and my legs give out and I fall to the ground. But the coldness of the floor. Instead, I get pulled into my best friends chest. He sits down holding me to his chest trying to calm me down. I start to hyperventilate, i hear muffles coming from Kalen but the words are registering in my brain. I start to see dark spots in my vision and I feel my body start to shake.

I feel myself getting picked up by Kalen and he starts to run. Where I don't know. The last thing I see before I pass out is Kalen yelling for me to stay awake.

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