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Max's pov:
Noah came pack with a bowl full of popcorn. I was sitting next to papa and then Noah sat on my other side. I lean my head on his shoulder. "What movie do you want to watch" Noah asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"We should watch the summer I turned pretty" Lily said while smiling at me. "No, lily it's Max's turn to chose" everyone in the room turned and looked at me "Ummm can we watch scream?" I asked afraid what they might say.

"That's too scary we should just listen to me and watch the summer I turned pretty!" She said with a mean face. "Lily if your too scared to watch the movie you can go to bed, but if you are going to stay you need to be nice. Today if for your sister. It's her birthday." Dad says.

God this is going to be a long night.....

Max (under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora