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Waking up I feel my head in someone's lap and my hair being stroked. I hear muffled words and the more I wake up the more they become clear. I hear my papa's voice and my Dad's voice. I hear the school nurse Tilley "This isn't the first time she has come in with a panic attack. But each time she begged us not to call you saying she was fine." I start to open my eyes more and more my fingers around.

I feel really sleepy, I think my dad's start to realize I'm waking up cause my dad moves closer to me crouching down right next to the bed I'm laying on with my head in my Papa's lap. "Hey M n' M (her nickname it's like the candy) how are you feeling sweetie?" He asks as he puts his hand in my forehead like he is checking for a fever. "Fine" I mumble out as I close my eyes feeling the headache start to set in. "We're gonna take you home now so you can rest. Is that ok? Kalen can come over later tonight, he brought your stuff from class" My papa says as he starts to help me sit up.

As I am sitting up I start to feel dizzy again and start to fall over. My Dad quickly catches me and scoops me up in his arms. With my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs around his waist. I didn't like the physical touch that much but I would fall over if he wasn't holding me so I accept it. I lay my head in his shoulder, too tired to hold my head up. And with that I'm out like a light

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