Chapter 513: The Boom in City Z

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At the same time, the business of the Jun Hao Hotel was also booming. Many guests lined up every day. They had even managed to snatch customers from several five-stars hotel. This made the general manager, Wang Congsong, so happy.

On the contrary, the general managers of other five-star hotels like Marriott Hotel and Alice Hotel were being questioned by their superiors because their customers had deserted them for a four-star hotel.

Inside the office of the general manager of the Marriott Hotel...

"Chu Lingwei, what's going on? Didn't I tell you repeatedly that you had to negotiate a partnership with Taoyuan Village's farm? Where is the partnership?" The general manager of the Marriott Hotel, Shen Jincheng, interrogated the purchasing manager, Chu Lingwei, with an ashen face.

Chu Lingwei wiped the cold sweat off his forehead and said, "President Shen, this... This isn't my fault. The general manager of Jun Hao Hotel, Wan Congsong, spoke ill of me to the boss. Therefore, Boss Xiao has a very bad impression of us. Before we even started discussing the cooperation, she kicked us


He pushed all the blame onto Wan Congsong. However, back then, he was the one who deliberately came late to the meeting. He was also arrogant, contemptuous, and so on.

Shen Jincheng's face darkened. He suppressed his anger and asked sternly, "What? You were kicked out before you even had the chance to discuss the cooperation?!"

Chu Lingwei sweated even more. His legs trembled. He lowered his head and doubled down. "Yes." Then, he immediately explained, "Director Shen, I was framed. The Boss didn't listen to me at all..."

"Enough!" Shen Jincheng said angrily, "Chu Lingwei, I'm very familiar with the general manager of Jun Hao Hotel, Wan Congsong. He's not someone who will speak ill of others.

"Chu Lingwei, don't try to push all the blame onto Wan Congsong. How about I ask Wang Congsong here so we can discuss it openly?"

They were familiar with each other because they were in the same industry.

Chu Lingwei knew this, but he still blamed Wan Congsong.

The reason was that he was sure that Shen Jincheng would not confront Wan Congsong because this was a matter of face.

Shen Jincheng was the general manager of a five-star hotel, yet he could not compete with a four-star general manager.

However, Chu Lingwei seemed to have forgotten one crucial point. Shen Jincheng and Wan Congsong were competitors, and who would know you best than your enemies?

Shen Jincheng would not face Wan Congsong, but they had been in the business and had known each other for a long time. They knew what kind of person the other party was.

Therefore, Shen Jincheng could not bear to listen to Chu Lingwei's framing of Wan Congsong. Shen Jincheng sternly warned, "Chu Lingwei, I'll give you another chance to tell me the truth. Otherwise, your post of purchasing manager is in danger."

He had always disliked Chu Lingwei, but there was nothing he could do. Chu Lingwei was a relative of a major shareholder. Even if he wanted to fire him, he had to think twice. If he offended that major shareholder, he would be put in a difficult position, and he might even lose his position as the general manager.

Chu Lingwei's expression changed. Then, he thought of something and said arrogantly to Shen Jincheng, "Shen Jincheng, I'm director Li's nephew. If you want to fire me, you should first ask director Li. Otherwise, you don't even have the right to fire me. My position is secure." With his background, he was not afraid of anything.

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