Chapter 550: Xiao Tong Can't Speak!

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Xiao Tong was now a baby. For an old monster... I mean, expert cultivator, who had lived for thousands of years, he was very good at acting. Xiao Tong had fully adapted to the life of a baby. He would only need to sleep, shit, eat and sleep again.

Whenever he saw someone he liked, he would ask for a hug. He was very good at winning people's hearts.

When people saw him, they would gasp. "Wow. He is so cute and beautiful!"

However, Xiao Tong didn't like it when they called him beautiful. He was a boy. He was handsome, not beautiful. Unfortunately, no one could understand his protest so his personal opinion was ignored.

"Hmm. Tong Tong, what's wrong?" Grandma Xiao saw her grandson's wrinkled face and asked curiously, "Why are you so unhappy? Who provoked you?"

Tong Tong's hands and feet moved randomly, and his mouth made a babbling sound.

When Mother Xiao saw this, she touched his little face with her hand and said with a smile, "Haha. It really looks like Tong Tong is not happy." Mother Xiao couldn't read mind so she didn't know what Xiao Tong was unhappy about.

Just as Mother Xiao was comforting the child, Father Xiao walked over.

"Qiuying, the store in City Z is opening tomorrow. I'm going to the fields to take a look," Father Xiao said.

The vegetables that were sent to the store had to be the freshest.

Mother Xiao nodded and said, "Well, it's quite cold in the fields. Put on more clothes."

Father Xiao nodded and said, "Okay!" Then, Papa Xiao looked at Xiao Tong and said with a smile, "Tong Tong, be good at home. Grandpa has to go to work."

Xiao Tong wanted to say that he wanted to go too.

However, he could only make a mumbling sound.

"Tong Tong doesn't want Grandpa to leave, is it?" Father Xiao took the child from Mother Xiao and said, "Let Grandpa hug our Tong Tong. He's so clever!" Father Xiao held the child for a while and then handed the child back to Mother Xiao. Then, he saw Xiao Lingyu dressed in simple clothes. He frowned slightly and asked, "Yu 'Er, are you going to the fields too?"

Xiao Lingyu smiled and said, "Papa, I'm going to the fields first. Then, I'm going to the tofu products company to check out the goods that are going to be delivered tomorrow."

Mother Xiao said, "Yu'er, put on your clothes and hat. You haven't reached a full 120 days yet. You shan't expose yourself to the winds."

Xiao Lingyu said helplessly, "Mom, it's only five or six days away. Is this really necessary?"

Mother Xiao said very seriously, "Yes. It's necessary even if it's just one day away, much less five or six days. Plus, you are still nursing, so you have to be careful. Otherwise, if you catch a cold, your son will suffer."

A nursing mother had to watch her health. If they were sick, the children would be affected. The adults might not be so ill, but the children would be.

Xiao Lingyu knew her mother's concern, so she said, "Okay. I'll pay more attention."

Father Xiao had already taken her hat out of the house and handed it to her daughter. He said, "I don't know why you don't like wearing hats."

Xiao Lingyu took the hat and put it on. She said, "I feel very clumsy wearing a hat." The hats were thick knitted wool hats. They were not that fashionable. However, Xiao Lingyu still loved them because they were hand-knited by Mother Xiao. However, Xiao Lingyu would feel her head being cooped up wearing the hats. Therefore, Xiao Lingyu did not like wearing hats.

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