Chapter 592: An Xiaohui Joins

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Ye Feifei calling An Xiaohui her dog had angered everyone.

Xiao Lingyu did not have a good impression of such an ungrateful ingrate. That afternoon, she chased her out.

The backpackers originally planned to stay with An Xiaohui for one more night and had her percolate on her decision before leaving. However, Ye Feifei had completely offended their hostess. Furthermore, her character was already despised by everyone, so no one spoke up for her when she was chased away. Similarly, no one was willing to leave with her. It was still afternoon, so she had plenty of time to get to the county town to find a place to stay. Therefore, there was no need to worry about her safety on the road.

An Xiaohui was angry when Ye Feifei left, but she was still worried. She looked at Xiao Lingyu and asked, "Boss Xiao, is it really okay for Ye Feifei to leave alone? It's going to be dark soon."

Someone beside her said disapprovingly, "Xiaohui, you're too kind. Ye Feifei treats you like this, yet you're still worried about her?"

"That's right. Xiaohui, you don't have to worry about that. Ye Feifei is a backpacker too. She will be prepared."

An Xiaohui shook her head and said, "I'm not worried about Ye Feifei. But if something happens to Ye Feifei, will boss Xiao be in trouble?" An Xiaohui turned her gaze to Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu frowned and said, "As long as she doesn't purposely find trouble, nothing will happen to her."

Ye Feifei came from a rich family. She might be a backpacker, but she was beautiful and fair. An Xiaohui was worried that she might run into a pervert.

She said to her companions, "I've already thought it through. I'll stay and work. Why don't you all leave with Feifei?

"Even though Ye Feifei isn't a good person, we came with her. We can't just abandon her. If something happened to her, we wouldn't feel good."

Li Jian thought for a moment and said, "Alright, let's leave now. Since we came together, let's leave together. We can't just let Ye Feifei leave alone. As Xiaohui said, if something happens to her, our conscience will be unsettled."

However, some people were unwilling.

"Xiaohui, Li Jian, I don't want to travel with someone like Ye Feifei. I feel uncomfortable when I see her."

"Same here. If something really happens to her, it's none of our business. Why should our conscience be uneasy?"

They split into two sides.

Some people really couldn't stand Ye Feifei's bad behavior, so they didn't care about her.

However, some people were still worried. If something happened to Ye Feifei, they would be uneasy.

Xiao Lingyu looked at them but did not say anything.

Li Jian and the rest split into two groups. One group left to catch up with Ye Feifei. Once they sent her to a safe space, they would go their separate ways. As for what happened to Ye Feifei after that, it was none of their business.

Although it was a little dangerous for a girl to go out alone, Ye Feifei was a backpacker. She had to be responsible for her own safety and not rely on others. In addition, Ye Feifei's family was rich. When she was tired, she could call her family to come and pick her up.


When Ye Feifei saw the people who caught up with her, her face immediately revealed a smug look.

'Hmph, An Xiaohui, who do you think you are? See how many people have abandoned you and chosen me?' She thus felt confident in herself.

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