❁Chapter 4❁

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Amusement, awe and disbelief dance around the grey cloudy orbs as Florian stares at the huge bathroom.

The tub filling with water, a beautiful landscape just see-through the ceiling touched window.

Never in his life had he ever imagined taking a bath, let alone in such a luxurious washroom.

"Are you okay?" Feather asks, stifling a chuckle but the dull ache still present in her heart.

She promises herself to give her Omega the whole world and more. He deserves all the love the world has to offer.

Florian nods eagerly. "Y-yeah, just- I've never seen a bathroom this big and beautiful before."

"Get used to it now, baby. Because you're gonna have a bath in here every day from now on."

The boy lets out a gasp, eyes widening. "You d-don't mind?"

Feather shakes her head, extending her hand from where she sat on the edge of the tub.

Shakily, Florian places his hand on hers, blushing as tingles run down his spine.

She pulls him close so he's standing between her legs, her head tilted up to meet his adorable flushed face.

"I told you, this house and everything that's here, belong to you now as well. You're my mate."

The question sputters out before the Omega could stop himself.

"You too?"

Feather's heart immediately makes a tickly movement, like it skipped a beat, or something's in there creating chaos. But it feels good. Too good.

Her eyes flash between brown and black as she grips his waist tight and pulls him closer, her breath fanning against the boy's stomach.

To support himself, Florian places his hands on her shoulders, eyes diverting everywhere but at her.

"I-I'm sorry- I-"

"Of course, baby." Feather interrupts him, she moves her face close and presses a kiss to his clothed stomach, eyes glued to his beautiful face. "I'm already yours, just as you're mine."

Florian's cheeks heat up, body shivering a little because of the warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest.

He nods.

Releasing him, Feather turns the faucet off and checks the water for the perfect temperature then turns to the Omega.

She eyes over his dirty shirt and ripped pants. Not in the stylish way.

"Get in, I'll get some clothes for you. You can wear my Gamma, Sam's, clothes for now, but soon we'll go shopping and buy everything you will need."

Florian raises his hands and shakes them vigorously.

"No! You don't need to waste your money on me. Please, it'd- please, don't."

Feather frowns, getting on her feet and cupping his face.

"Hey," her voice stern and sincere. "What did I say just now? Huh?"

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