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"Where would you like these?" I ask gesturing to the plates hanging down in my arms.

"On the table dear, the Blood Crescent pack are on there way we have to make our home look top notch if you want this truce to work!" She beamed walking down the corridor, away from the kitchen.

I smile softly pushing the the double doors with my back, letting them swinging open and shut behind me, the fresh hot plates of meats, roast vegetables and salads are placed elegantly on the elongated table. 

Omegas, are setting up the final pieces of decoration, and food on the table with Arthur eyeing them mischievously. I let out a sigh at his little antics walking closer to the table.

"Olivia! oh, gosh, geez, my oh my, let me take the," Arthur ushered, taking the plates from my grasp.

I stood there laughing at his choice of words, watching him place each plate down on the table with ease, why do the boys have it so easy? They're always so strong. 

"You should see if our mum needs a hand with her dress, god forbid Beta Michel will help her." He beamed, looking over to me. "You should get changed too they will be here soon." 

"It's dad to me not beta Michel we only say that when the rest of the pack is around not just the omegas," I lightly scolded turning back towards the double doors and made my way to the second master bedroom.

"Mum you need a hand with anything?" I ask pushing the heavy doors open.

"Not quite yet, your dress is over there, the blue one." She responded, pointing to the dress spread out on the end of the bed.

"My favourite colour! where'd you get it?" I ask pulling the dress tight to my dress.

"That's for me to know and you to find out when you have a man of your own," She smiled, putting her hair up in a neat bun.

I scrunch up my face at the remark of any guy possibly being mine. "You will understand one day dear, a mate is always out for their second half."

"I don't need a mate, or a man or any guy in that regards, I am my own person and capable!" I mumble on throwing the dress over my head, letting it fall on my shoulders.

"You're three years away from being eighteen, and a early bloomer you have you wolf she's just hiding, doesn't mean she won't sense her mate... now hurry along they're here, you know where to sit just follow my lead." 

We quickly make our way to the dining room, the chandeliers are lit, curtains drawn open, conversations and laughter echo off each wall. A gentle nudge from my Mother pulls me out  of the trance and I hurriedly take seat next to Arthur.

I cautiously glance around the table, the Blue moon pack is on one side with beta Michel, my dad sat to the left of our Alpha, and on the other end is the Alpha of Blood Crescent pack. All the important ranks follow down to the 'Children' of each pack. 

"How many do you think are outside?" Arthur whispers.

"I don't know but the guards and all that have to get along or this won't work," I respond.

"Welcome all, so glad you have made it on time, as you all know we are here to make a truce, an agreement of protection combining both packs with mutual ground. I wish you all well with this feast and welcome each other as your own... Let's eat!" Alpha Dean, of Blue Moon Pack announced.

Alpha Ryan nods in agreement, taking his seat once again, everyone else nods and mumbles in agreement, taking their opportunity to devour the food the Omegas made.

"You know that boy across from me keep eyeing you," Arthur whispered quieter than before.

"It's probably curious eyes none of us have met each other." I respond kicking him under the table.

"No need for violence I was just saying." He said defensively continuing on with his meal.

I take the opportunity to look around, everyone is dressed so nicely. All well mannered and laughing with each other.

I slowly scan further along the table before my eyes meet him, his gorgeous brown ones staring back at me I grin slightly turning my gaze back to my empty plate. Something surges through my chest an uneasy feeling almost like a storm brewing inside. 

I quickly stand up trying to shake the feeling, "Sit down Ollie." Arthur ushers.

I brush him off and make my way to my mother ignoring the glances the other pack was making.

"What is it dear?" she whispers grabbing my hand.

"I don't feel well can I leave?" I plead hoping she would understand.

"Yes dear, just go straight to your room." 

Taking my chances I walk quickly through the double doors into the kitchen and down the corridor, I walk into my bedroom changing into comfy attire before hopping into bed.

The weird feeling soon subsides, but that uneasy feeling continues.

'Something is coming,' My wolf links.

'No Fraya, it's probably because of this truce happening,' I link back, curling in a ball, surrounded by blankets like a den. 

I stir awake hearing screaming from outside, I hurriedly climb out of my bed and glance out the window, members of our pack have shifted, chaos is everywhere. wolves biting into each other children running towards the forest line.

"Olivia we need to leave now!" Arthur shouts bursting through the door.

"What's happening?" I cry back hobbling as I put my shoes on following Arthur out my bedroom.

"I-I don't know we went outside for the bonfire and all hell broke loose," He elaborates dragging me down the corridor  towards the front door.

The door bursts open, bloody Omegas and stragglers from our pack hobble in running the opposite direction.

"I want my mum," I cry.

"We don't have time Olivia lets go!" Arthur shouts.

We quickly made our way outside, running past wolves fighting each other, grabbing for the necks, claws out reached. It's a mess. Arthur was suddenly dragged away from me by a large black wolf, It's orange eyes staring back at me.

I try to scream but nothing comes out, I stood frozen watching him get dragged away, fear stricken eyes stare back, the war around me unfolding, many of our pack falling to the ground taking their final breaths, we're dying, they're all dying.

'Run Olivia, Run...' 

"Mum? where are you!!?" I shout snapping from my trance.

I follow my gut running over the dead bodies,  tripping over my feet, wolves backsides bumping into me, then I see her, the elegant green dress now covered in blood, I grab her pulling her head to my chest, brushing the hair from her face, her lifeless body staring into the sky. 

Her once carefree, happy self lay heavy in my arms, "I should have listened to her... I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, it's all my fault..."

I start screaming as loud as my lungs could carry as I was dragged away from her,

"Move Olivia, now!" I kick and thrash ignoring the mans voice from behind me.

The fight in front of me slowly getting further away as the forests trees surround me.

"Gran take her, do what you can!" He shouts passing me off to someone else.

"Shh dear it's okay he saved your brother, you're safe now, close your eyes I will take you home."

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