六 confusion

448 24 23


Sora's voice rang out through the noise of clattering weapons, shouts, thunder, and pouring rain.

Your eyes darted to where you heard his voice.

There he was clutching the railing of the ship to stay upright, while holding his side, blood running down his body.

And there was the culprit.

A large brute with strange tentacle-like devil fruit powers. Who looked battered as well, but was walking towards Sora with a sadistic grin.

That familiar feeling kicked in.


Rage at seeing what that beast had done and was going to do to Sora.

With no hesitation you charged at him pushing off the deck as your wings extended from your back.

When the man noticed you his eyes widened.

You and all your glory.

Fully transformed.

Your wingspan extending, stretched out, red eyes glowing with fury, katana gripped tightly, that aura of power and energy radiating from you.

You swiped your katana leaving a blinding gleam flash of gold lighting up the stormy night for an instant.

That was the brute's life flashing before his eyes.

Because suddenly he was sent flying backwards, as his body was severed clean into two.

He didn't even get a chance to scream, his severed body limp on the deck.

The enemy pirates yelled out for their captain.

Some screaming, crying, falling to their knees, as they saw him split into two.

Most started retreating back to the ship.

You didn't feel guilty, no, the rage was taking over.

You needed to kill all of them.

You flew up, soaring into the air towards the violent stormy sky. Rain was beating down on you but you couldn't feel anything.

They were trying to retreat, their ship starting to move away from yours.

No, no they couldn't just do that.

Get away with harming your precious crew.

You weren't in control anymore.

A loud shriek left your lungs echoing into the roaring storm around you, energy burning through your veins as you swiped your katana leaving that same gold gleam.

And suddenly, there was a horrible creaking noise.

Ear splitting, even through the storm.

As the enemy ship split into two.

The dark raging waves engulfing it into the depths of the sea.

You awoke to the noise of shuffling and voices in the infirmary.

Your eyes flickered open, and you rolled on your side to see Clione, Shachi, and Penguin, standing on the other side of the room.

You heard Clione's voice first as he spoke in a whisper yell to the two,

"Shhh you're going to wake her you idiots! You're not even supposed to be in here!"

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