十六 and now snow

395 22 54

It was late, the only light in the hallway was from the moon light streaming through the windows. The only noise was the sound of your feet walking along the hardwood floors.

You were heading to your room to sleep after a wonderful day.

You were happy, but there had been one thing missing.

One person.

"Shiina, baby."

His voice.

You turned over your shoulder to see Shouga standing in the kitchen.

His dark hair and soft eyes lit up by the moonlight.

A soft exhale of relief left your lips as you ran up to him.

He embraced you tightly and lifted you up off the ground.

Your voice was muffled due to your face being buried in the crook of his neck,

"I didn't think you'd be here."

"Miss the most important girl in my life's birthday? Never."

He placed you on your feet and you smiled softly.

He tucked a strand of hair behind your ears.

"Is your mother asleep baby?"

You nodded,

"She headed to bed a while ago."

He nodded his head as he took out a small box and handed it to you.

"Happy Birthday baby."

Your face lit up immediately when he handed you the box.

You had already opened a ton of gifts from him that morning that he had instructed the maid to set out for you, because he knew he wouldn't be there.

You didn't need anything else.

"I don't need any-"

"Open it." he said softly.

You glanced down at the small, neatly wrapped box that was in your hands.

The tag that read 'to my angel'.

You unwrapped it to find a jewelry box.

You hesitated a moment as you glanced up at him.

You looked back down at the box and opened it.

Your eyes widened when you saw a beautiful golden necklace with a pearl and diamond pendant.

It was beautiful, and looked so expensive.

It was almost too nice of a gift.

"Let me put it on you."

Your eyes darted up to meet his,

"This is too- You already gave me so much. I can't accept-"

"You deserve all this and more."

He took the box from your hands and took the necklace out, as you turned the other way.

You moved your hair as he stood behind you, and gently placed the necklace on you and clasped it.

You turned back around slowly so you were facing him.

The look in his eyes is what confused you.

He looked at you like you were the most wonderful thing in the whole world.

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