七 drunk words

419 23 13


You turned over your shoulder when you heard his voice.

A slight gasp escaped your lips as you were picked up off the ground in his tight embrace.

You could hear his voice trembling slightly as he spoke,

"God I was so worried about you."

You couldn't help but start to laugh.

"Sora we always come out okay, don't we?"

He set you down, gently wiping blood and dirt off your cheek.

The white haired boy stood towering over you. Looking at you with those soft brown eyes.

"You know, it amazes me."

You tilted your head,


"You. You're so carefree. I admire that about you."

You let out a soft laugh.

"But you always scold me for it. How it gets me into trouble..."

"That's why you have me to get you out of it."

You laughed.

He was always telling you to be more careful. Not be so reckless. He always did get you out of trouble. What would you do without him?

His expression then turned serious, as he looked at you.

"But seriously. I know I constantly tell you to be more careful, and think before you do things. But Shiina..."

He paused.

"You're... really something... you went through so much. I mean that would've broken any other person-"


"You're brave. You're not afraid. You're happy and free."



You sighed.

"Stop being all sentimental. I'm right here. Alive and okay."

"It's just you never know when will be the last-"

"Don't say that."

You just looked at him.

Maybe you should have said what you wanted to then.

You hadn't realized the next fight with him would be your last.

"You've come too far and been through too much to stop-"



"I'm not going anywhere. And neither is this crew."

You paused, a slight smile forming on your face,

"What kind of captain would I be if I didn't act recklessly to protect you all?"

A slight smile creeped on his lips.

You smiled back, seeing the worry ease on his face.

"What would I be without you Sora? I need you at my side. I'm not going anywhere. Ever. I promise."

"I know you're not."

You awoke late in the afternoon.

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