Chapter 6: Life At Kuoh Academy

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*2 Years Later*

2 years...

It has now been 2 years since the day Kagari sacrificed himself and was found and hospitalized after he discovered the System. Ever since that day, he his devoted himself to rigorous training both inside and outside the dungeons.

Over the last two years, He began taking boxing and martial arts classes and thanks to the strength and speed The System training gave him, he was able to learn very fast. As for his school life, needless to say that everyone in Sakuraba was shocked to see his change in appearance, along with the fact that we was switching schools after finishing his first year.

Along with his training, he has also learned how to control and use his very first Unique Skill, Haki.

Now he was in his Third Year at Kuoh Academy where he built a famous reputation as he was given the name of Kuoh's Dark Prince as he kept the academy's perverts in check.

Kagari's House, Morning.

It was now morning in the house as Kagari's Younger Sister, Jinah was currently getting dressed in the Kuoh Academy's girls uniform.

It was now morning in the house as Kagari's Younger Sister, Jinah was currently getting dressed in the Kuoh Academy's girls uniform

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Jinah Sanashi: 17 Years Old.
A/N: Just imagine she's wearing the girls Kuoh Academy Uniform. Even though I hate the uniforms in general.

Jinah: Alright, I'm ready to go.

???: Hold it...

Jinah's backpack was grabbed from behind by Kagari who was holding an umbrella in his hands.

Jinah's backpack was grabbed from behind by Kagari who was holding an umbrella in his hands

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Kagari Sanashi: 18 Years old

Kagari: Don't forget your umbrella. It's supposed to rain later today.

Jinah: It doesn't look like it's gonna it's heavy.

Kagari: -_-....It's a folding umbrella, so it's not heavy. Stop making such a fuss about it...

Jinah: Aww...

Kagari: Now go and wait in the car. I'll go and make sure Yui and Malakai are ready to go.

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