Chapter 10: The Deal

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Saturday Afternoon, Kagari's House

It was now Saturday afteroon at Kagari's house as he could been walking through the living room of his house with a towel over his head since he got out of the shower after doing his Daily Workout

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It was now Saturday afteroon at Kagari's house as he could been walking through the living room of his house with a towel over his head since he got out of the shower after doing his Daily Workout. Jinah was currently out with friends and Kagari dropped off Yui and Malakai at his Aunt's house earlier in the day so he was home alone.

Kagari: Ah, I needed that. Especially after all the nonsense from last night...

As he was thinking of his fight with Freed yesterday night, he took notice of one thing during that fight. While Freed was using a Sword of Light and a Holy Gun, Kagari only had Rasaka's Fang.

Even though Rasaka's Fang was a good weapon, it didn't change the fact that he had only had one weapon and Freed had two

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Even though Rasaka's Fang was a good weapon, it didn't change the fact that he had only had one weapon and Freed had two.

Kagari: Hmm...

Kagari's Thoughts: (Maybe I should start looking into using two weapons myself sometime

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Kagari's Thoughts: (Maybe I should start looking into using two weapons myself could give me some more experience.)

Just then, Kagari could hear a small tapping sound coming from the living room window.

???: Meow...

Kagari: What the..?

He opened his window to see a small white cat sitting down infront of him.

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