Chapter 38: Gasper The Vampire

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Occult Research Club

Currently, everyone is standing in front of The Forbidden Door that's been chained up inside the club room.

Kagari: Sorry, but could someone fill me in here, please?

Lint: Apparently, this is where Rias has been keeping her other Bishop.

Issei: In there?

Rias: Last night, my brother insisted to release the seal and allow the Bishop to leave this area. I'm not sure why, but the Bishop refused the offer.

Kagari: -_- ... So basically, they're a shut in.

Li: Yes, it seems that way.

Akeno: Such a shame really considering the child used to be the largest earner we had.

Asia: Really?

Issei: No way.

Kiba: With special contracts. The Bishop used a computer to make them.

Xenovia: Which means the Bishop's power must have been pretty dangerous if it needed to be locked away.

Rias then broke the seal on the door.

Koneko: And the seal has been broken.

Rias: Alright, let's see how this goes.

Rias opened the door, with everyone walking in and as soon as they did, someone screamed.

???: AHHHHHHH!!!!

Rias: Well, hello. I'm glad to see you're looking well.

???: I don't understand what's going on?!

Rias then walked up to what looked like a bed in the middle of the room .

Rias: The seal has been broken. So you're free to come home with us, okay?

Rias then pulled the covers off of them and they saw what looked like a girl, but Kagari could tell he wasn't, and they were just dressed in the girls uniform, with purple eyes and light blonde hair.

???: No! I don't want to go out there, it's too scary!

Issei: What? She's just a little girl. And look, she looks like Asia. Does that mean all Bishops have to be pretty blondes?

Kiba just started to chuckle and Issei looked at him confused .

Issei: What?

Kagari: Perv, you may want to take my advice a keep it in your pants. Unless you plan on playing for the other team. Cause that's not a girl...that's a boy.

Issei looked at Kagari shocked.

Issei: What?!

Rias: I realize that he looks like a girl, but he is most definitely a little boy.

Issei, Asia and Li looked at Rias shocked .

Akeno: As you can see , he likes to play dress up and look like a girl .

Rias: Everyone, say hello to Gasper Vladi. The other Bishop in my household. He's a first year student and before I turned him into a devil, this little guy was half human, half vampire.

Lint: Wait, he's a Vampire?

Asia: A real one?

Issei: As in a blood sucker? You're kidding?! But I'm still not over the fact he's not a girl! Oh lord, why have you forsaken me?

Kagari: -_-....Awww, poor Issei. Let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest violin.

Kagari rubbed his index finger and thumb together as Lint snickered.

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