Chapter 39: The Black Cat, Kuroka

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Thank you guys so much for getting The Human of DxD to over 100K Views. This might be one of the best books I've made on Wattpad. Back to the story!


Kuroka: I'm Kuroka. Nice to meet you. Kagari Sanashi, right?

Kagari said nothing as he used <<Dominator's Touch>> and pulled Kuroka towards him, grabbing her.

Kuroka: Oh wow. You're a forward one, aren't you?

Kagari drew one of his daggers and pointed it at her.

Kagari: How do you know my name? And how did you get into my house?

Kuroka: Oh, I've been here for a long while now. Since your little sister decided to let me in. She's a real cutie by the way.

Kagari: You mean...?

Kuroka nodded her head and turned herself into a small black cat before turning back to her normal self.

Kuroka: I'm one of those black cats your sister brought home. I'll have to thank her, it was easy for me to get in that way.

Kagari's Thoughts: If she was a cat this whole time, then why didn't I sense her magic before. I can now, so I know she has the aura of a Devil but..

Kagari: Tell me, Kuroka. Why are you here?

Kuroka: I would tell you but...

Just then, Kuroka's stomach began to growl.

Kuroka: Could I please get something to eat? My stomach's been killing me.

Kagari's Thoughts: Thankfully, Jin, Yui, and Mal spent the night over at Aunt Kaya's. And school got cancelled today.

Kagari: *Sighs* If I were to cook breakfast for you, then would you tell me why you're here?

Kuroka: Yes, I'd be happy too.



Downstairs in the kitchen, Kagari was finishing up breakfast while Kuroka was sitting on the couch in the living room.

Kagari's Thoughts: How did I not sense her when she's been here the entire time?

After he was done, Kagari placed a plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs with a cup of orange juice infront of Kuroka.

Kagari: Here. Take your time. After you're done eating, we'll talk.

Kuroka: Okay. Thanks for the food.

Kuroka: Meow.

Kagari's Thoughts: She just meowed at me.

A few minutes later, Kuroka finished the food and Kagari put her plate in the sink.

Kuroka: Ah, that was nice. Thanks for the meal. You're a really good cook, you know that?

Kagari: Thank you. But now, let's get back to where we left off. Tell me, why are you here?

Kuroka: Well, you see...I need your help.

Kagari: Help...? Help with what...?

Kuroka: Before I tell you. Promise that you won't attack me, okay?

Kagari: You can relax. I won't attack you, I swear. So, say what you need too.

Kuroka: I'm a Devil. Not only that, but I'm what's called a Nekoshou, a cat like species. And so is my younger sister, Shirone.

Kagari: Shirone? Who is that?

Kuroka: You know her, but not by that name. Her name got changed by the redhead, Rias Gremory.

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