...On a low key...

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🧠I was suppose to be on a low key,

🧠I was suppose to be on a total                 DGAF,

🧠But I just can't,

🧠It's really hard,

🧠My character is wild,

🧠And it can also be mild,

🧠But it's hard to be a DGAF,

🧠When you're a total GAF,

🧠I just can't do it,

🧠Well to he honest DGAF's ain't real,

🧠It's just people who have mastered the art of acting,

🧠And then looking like they DGAf,

🧠But inside they are big GAFs,

🧠I really want to be on a low key,

🧠Like I don't exist,

🧠No body suould notice me,

🧠It's stressful being seen,

🧠At this point I rather be lonely,

🧠No one gets it,

🧠The girl you see,

🧠Isn't what I want to be,

🧠I really want a huge personality 360,

🧠So different from the real me,

🧠This is so crazy,

🧠I wasted your time I'm sorry.

A Place For My DepressionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ