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True love can change a person, however dangerous, ugly or even if that being is what others call a monster. Killing Eve is the best movie I've watched, not because of the murders and kind of ways Oksana kills but her smoothness and artistry, her sense of fashion and craziness. But Eve changed her heart or maybe she realized that seeing someone die isn't really a festive occasion or an awesome thing to see every day. But, I like the fun, the excitement of seeing girls with all their beauty, wander and sweetness. I will not stop playing, keeping a girl unhappy but make her feel special up to the point that I touch, cut and pin her skin to more skins like creating art just like my boring job as a designer in product commercials which now they call digital creative industry. Well, it paid for my master's degree and is paying for my flat, my food and all the extras I do to keep me sane and happy in a way. My family call me Lala but my real name is Laura Kuschgow, that's with a silent "g" by the way.

I never wanted to kill any one, neither do I love punishing girls just to have a bit of fun in my normal and boring life. It's not at all that stiff but I get to color and create new ideas and things for a company and they pay me to do it. What I do for these girls I get infatuated with is mere curiosity, an act of saving grace and maybe passionate love, or whatever you call it. I think they are the ones that save me from the voices I hear in my head. Cutting Jessie would be so romantic but I need to prepare for it tonight. Yap!, dinner with candle light maybe or just burgers and fries to make it more informal. No, no!, ah, maybe she likes pizza or milk tea since she mentioned that she loved blueberry cake and I have it here, Laura thought while walking down the street and taking the stairs to her apartment, near the Berlin Forensic Crime Laboratory where Silva is actually working. She opened her door and saw her Rottweiler wag its tail to bid her good day. Dave!, aha, my poor baby is hungry? Huh!.

Okay, here you go, eat and go get your ball for me would you?, Laura added patting the doggie and smiled when she heard it run maybe to get the ball she was asking him to get. She is putting all her groceries on the fridge and unsealed the cake box, slicing a piece to place it on a white ceramic plate. After hanging her coat up a stand, since it's middle of November and starting to get colder in Germany these days, she felt Christmas won't be the same ever again for her. For she now has Jessie with her and it's going to be a lot of fun, with someone who smile and actually cares for her.

Laura licked the icing that got on her thumb and excitedly opened another door, a room that is pleasant but with so much leather and rubber contrapment. This room is strange that you can call it a den of sexual stuff but attached to pain, blood and shouting for help, kind of stuff. Not the typical whore bars or vanity fairs, it is a bloody haven for someone like Laura who straps her victims while cutting them or scraping their skins off, feeds them and makes love to them. Laura is a perfect girl, beautiful, smart and successful. She has a two-storey home with a swimming pool and bath tub, and a her own gold Ferrari, amongst her Porsche and BMW's. She did make money as a digital creator but she makes more money than a business tycoon because of her own crypto currency company which is still not very promising to earn money since its highly volatile and some illegal. But not all Bitcoins are illegal, many have gotten wealthy and are earning heaps of money because of it through-out the world.

It is not that I couldn't afford women, prostitutes or high-class artists or models, it's just that I want girls or women who are innocent, gullible but with fire in them. Just like Jessie, she is now strapped in an operating table and listening to Beethoven's music while screaming from the top of her lungs. I really wanted this room which I call my Savior, a place where I can explore using my art, and though killing was never an option. I just slit those girls' throats since they are annoying and gets in my nerves, so to stop them from pissing me off, I cut their tongue or their neck to bleed to death.

But I wouldn't do that with Jessie, not again. She is precious and I want to keep her alive that's why I'm very nice to her. She asked me when is she going to come home to her mom. I told her I'll let her see her mom soon if she is nice to me and do whatever I tell her to do. She did what exactly I told her to do. She isn't screaming when I arrived and was sitting even if tied to the operating table like a sweet girl that she is the first time I met her at the school fair. Jessie was asking about digital technology and how creating art using pictures is fun to do. So we became good friends after that. Jessie's eyes got bigger when she saw the cake so I handed the plate but without a fork.

Well, you know forks can be dangerous and she can use it to stab me or something. Since she didn't eat since last night, I'm sure she is very hungry. So, she used her hand and munched on the piece, the whole thing to fit her mouth. The icings were left on her mouth so I took a tissue and wiped her mouth with it. She smiled and then bit my finger until it bled. You monster, I want to go home, release my hands out of this handcuffs, my mom is missing me already, Jessie said very hysterical. Then her mood changed, she now sweetly asked me to release her and all because she likes me a lot and would not bite me again.

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