chapter 3- old council

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After receiving the raven from his father, Harwin realized it was crucial to inform his father's council about the unexpected decision to return to King's Landing.

"Ser Harwin, it's simply impractical to relocate to King's Landing," grumbled an elderly lord who believed he had a voice in every matter.

"I concur with Lord Besbery. Ser, you cannot abandon the plans for the watch you intended to establish," chimed in a youthful council member, who appeared to be no older than thirty.

Harwin's voice boomed across the room, his words leaving no room for debate. "Gentlemen, let me make myself clear. This is not a matter of politics. Right now, it's about what I believe is truly best for my daughter!" With a forceful thud, he pounded his fists on the table, fixing the lords with an intense, unwavering gaze.

Harwin was absolutely furious to consider that these men had any authority over his decisions regarding his family.

Harwin stormed into your chambers after the highly intense council meeting. As you sat there, engrossed in a game of tossing a block across the room, your caregiver intervened, repeatedly urging you to try again. This constant interruption left you feeling irritable and restless.

"hello my little light, what are we doing huh?" spoke Harwin walking over to you.

you showed him the block and attempted to throw it again.

"you may go Lidiya" spoke Harwin giving the serving girl a small smile.

Finally, as the girl gracefully exited the room, she gave a delicate curtsy, and in that moment, you triumphantly hurled the block..

Harwin gazed at his daughter, her hair a static brown with gentle curls and waves. Her eyes mirrored the deep blue of the night sky. She inherited her eyes from her mother, but her father's hair. She was dressed in a light red gown adorned with delicate pale yellow accents resembling galloping horses along the sleeves and skirt..

Harwin tried his best to play with you, but you weren't as calm and 1 year olds should be you were expressive and fidgety and maked little babbling noises any chance you got some of your carers even said you babble in your sleep.

truth be told, Harwin was terrified to go back to kings landing, he didn't know what people would say or if people had caught on to the scandal between princess Rhaenyra and him, if people knew of his bastard.

but it was time to have a fresh start a new life.

hello I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry its short but its just one of those things I had to do :).

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