Chapter 18- the trial

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You walked into the hall and you felt as though you had 1000 eyes on you even though the only person who was looking at you was aegon.

He had a mischievous smirk on his did everything to avoid eye contact with him, you where ashamed of the act you committed with him just the night before.

You stood next to Luke, you could tell that he was nervous, so you decided to be his support.

"It's going to be fine,I promise" you told him with a calm smile.
He expectedly still looked terrified.

Pls ignore if I get some talking wrong

"It is a great hope of this court that lord corlys survives his wounds, but we are here to discuss the grim task of the succession of drifark" shouted Otto pretending he is the king as he sat on the throne.

" Lord Veamond Valaryan, we will now hear your petition" the bellowed.

"My queen, my lord hand, the history of our great houses date back to the days of old valiria" veamond bellowed.

"True valaryon blood corses through my veins" he continued.

"As it dose in my son the offspring of leanor valaryon" rhenerya interrupted.

"If you truest care about you hoses blood ser veamond, you would not be so bold as to supplant it's rightful heir, no you only speak for your self and your own ambition" she continued.

"You will have your time to make your own petition princess rhenerya, do so and let ser veamond to have his heard" the queen spoke defensively.

Veamond turned smugly to look at rhenerya

"What do you know of valaryan blood princess?, I could cut my veins and show it to you, but you still wouldn't recognise it" he spoke smugly.

"My queen, my lord hand I would gladly but myself folward as my brothers successor" he told before walking back to his place.

"Princess rhenerya, you may speak now on behalf of your son Lucerys velaryon" spoke Otto.

Rhenerya stepped forward her hand on her swollen belly.

"If I am to grace this fast with some awnser I will start by reminding this court that nearly twenty years ago in this very Hal-" rhenerya was interrupted buy the sound of the doors opening

As the doors opened there was viserys limping to his throne. The looked sickly, like he was death best friend, the man who used to teach you play with you comfort you, he was knocking on deaths door.

He nearly fell when he go to the stairs and his crown slipped of his head, he denied help form his knights but he couldn't from his brother.

Daemon helped his brother up the remaining stairs and plopped him down on his Thorne and placed the crown on his head.

" confusion" Viserys rasped.

"I do not understand.... Why a council is being hear of a a....settled succession...... the only person who can offer anything about lord corlys his wife the princess rheneys targarian"

"Correct your grace" told rheneys.

"It was always my husbands wishes that driftmark pass through leanors line to his true born son.... Prince lucerys valaryon...., his mind never changed... nor did my support of him" she continued.

"Well...this once again been decided" Viserys wheezed.
"I heard by declare Lucerys valaryon the hire to driftmark and the driftwood throne!" He continues

"You break law!, hundreds for naming your daughter hire, but you will no decide the future and survival of my house!" veamond bellowed.

"her children are BASTARDS!" he hollered, you held lukes hand giving it a comforting squeeze

"and...she... is a whore, and i wouldn't be surprised if the lady y/n turns out the same" he continued and gasps echoed around the room.

"i...will have your tongue for that" Viserys gasped.

but before further protest his head was cut clean of rolling on the floor his blood pooling around him.

"he can keep his tongue" the culprit spoke, it was daemon.

everyone stood there aimlessly looking at he body on the floor.

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