Chapter 31 - lead the man that rules

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You had been sick in bed for a few days but the measters couldn't find anything to worry about so you rested up in your chambers.

You hated being stuck in bed so you decided to try and do something. You didn't want to bother your handmaidens so you decided to get yourself ready.

You brushed your hair and put a half up half down style with a plait. You divided to wear a brighter dress today not your usual green or black.

It was beauty peach dress that worked perfectly with your hair do, it had gold like flakes patterned around the skirt and the corset

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It was beauty peach dress that worked perfectly with your hair do, it had gold like flakes patterned around the skirt and the corset.

You paired it with beautiful gold shoes and a shiny diamond necklace that hung beautifully around your neck.

You left your chambers and your sworn protector Elon, Elon was a honourable and honest man, but he never was really one to take a likening to the ladies.

"Ser Elon" you spoke as the two of you wandered through the halls.

"Yes your grace?" He asked.

"You have served a long time, please tell me, now that I am queen what exactly do I do?" You asked.

"Whatever you wish my queen" she wandered plainly.

"Oh what great help you are" you giggle.

"Sorry your grace, but I have only ever served kings, never a queen before" he told honestly with a chuckle.

You liked being queen, you like having people stop and now for you when you passed them, you like having the biggest chambers, you loved all the feasts and hunts, but you didn't like all the pressure do do so many things.

Like bearing Childern to produce heirs, having to be perfect all the time, having to know what to do land how to do it, having to just be someone of high power was nerve racking.
You couldn't even imagine what your husband was feeling.

You walked through the hall's aimlessly talking about sir gossip between the failing marriages of lords and ladies because your sworn protector slept with both of them.

"Your grace, you have been summoned to the court yard to meet with prince Dareon" a guard spoke rushing up to you.

You sighed and thanked the guard he left with a bow. You and Elon walked through the halls to get to the court yard, your husband and his side of the family apart from Otto who was still at dragon stone.

Your new brother in law had not arrived yet but you where glad to be here before he did.

"Y/n are you alright, I didn't think you where going to make it your husband joked.

"Oh don't be stupid aegon" you giggled.

You started caching up with your in-laws who you hadn't seen in a few days when a beautiful white dragon flew over the court yard and landed inside. His rider was a white haired man who looked like a mix between aegon and aemond.

He dismounted his saddle and alicent ran over to him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Hello mother, it's wonderful to see you" the man spoke.

Alicent dragged the boy over and they all greeted him with hugs and hand shakes.

"And you must be the famous y/n I've heard so much about" he spoke kissing your hand.

"You flatter me my prince, I do hope your flight here was pleasant" you spoke with a smile.

"Yes it was, thank you your grace" he spoke Returning the smile.

"Where is grandsire?" Dareon asked aegon.

"He went to dragon stone with terms for rhenerya, we're expecting him back soon" aegon spoke walking inside with Dareon under his arm.

You walked with Helena and the queen back inside.


You decided to discuss your questions bout being queen.

"ah your grace what can I help you with" alicent asked with a smile offering you to sit down.

"I was wondering if you could help awnser some questions about being queen?" You asked hesitantly.

"Oh of course my dear, what questions?" Alicent asked pouring you some tea.

"Well the first one is, what do I call you now, I'm used to calling you things such as, your grace or my queen, but now I'm not to sure on what to call you" you asked siping the tea.

"Well I have requested everyone call me the lady alicent like how it was before I became queen" alicent spoke gently.

"Ok the lady alicent it is then.... And I also had a question of... what do I actually do as queen?" You asked.

"Well you are the 3rd most powerfull person in the realm, as queen you are married to the king, so it is our job to lead the Man that rules.. we may not have the power to make important decisions about the realm but you can Guide the man that dose" the answers.


You thought about that alicent had said a decided to try it out. You and you husband where in you chambers getting ready for the day. You could tel aegon was thinking about something.

"My love.. what's on your mind" you asked clipping in your Earring.

"There is a meeting wit the small counsil today and we need to figure out our allies and ways to make them side with us instead of rhenerya"

This was the perfect chance.

" well, if you were going to ally yourself with lord Boris for example, he is an eternally hateful man he dose not support woman doing anything of power so there is little chance of him ever siding with rhenerya but... if he needs a bit of persuasion I am to understand that dareon in without a betrothed and he is not married, so you could offer a marriage packed between dareon and one of lord boris five daughters" you told sneakily.

"My dear your amazing" spoke aegon before kissing you and leaving to go to the meeting.

Wow alicent was right.


Hi I wanted to say thank you to JamarrieaTaylor and Bella_darcy_01 For all your support on both of my stories. Love you xx

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