Chapter 28 - im not suited

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You and aegon arrived at your chambers and he wasn't talking to you not even a Peep, why would he be angry at you? , you didn't do anything wrong.

You sat at your dresser as he got himself into his night clothes, you took off your earring and necklace watching your husband in the reflection of the mirror as you did.

"Aegon... what wrong?" You asked standing and walking over to him.

He sighed and looked into your eyes

"I don't want to be king" he spoke softly.

"My love...." You whispered putting your hands on the back of his neck making him look at you.

"I know it's not what you want but....we don't chose our destiny my dear... it chooses us" you wisely told him.

You have him a kiss and he kissed back, it wasn't a heated kiss, it was sweet tender warming aegons heart.

"Why don't you want to be king? .. any man would kill there children to sit the throne" you asked as to untied your dress.

"I have no wish to rule, no taste for duty, I'm just not suited , I don't know anything about politics or anything of the sort" he spoke throwing you your nightgown.

"Well we can learn together, and you have you mother and grand sire the help you, to teach you" you reassured pulling up your nightgown.

Aegon sighed and he got under the covers of your shared bed. You slowly trailed around the room lighting the candles even though the fire was already lit and was bright enough.

You heard the pitter patter of rain against your window and the moon was glowing brighter than the night before.

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