chapter 8- the dragon pit

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as Y/N, Jace and Luke entered the dragon pit Aegon and Aemond where there waiting for them.

"finally what took you guys so long?" said Aegon putting his hands out towards the three.

"the new babe was born" spoke Y/N smiling walking towards Aegon.

"hmm, a strong girl or boy?" spoke Aemond chuckling to himself.

Jace was about to say something when the dragon keepers entered the large hall.

"issi ao ready odre jaceryes" spoke one of the instructors who only spoke Valaryian

"are you ready my prince jaceryes" his translator spoke and Jace nodded his head.

vermax was lead out of the dragon pit with 3 other dragon keepers leading him up the ramp.

Jace and his instructor where talking about him giving commands to his dragon and he mentioned Aegon and his dragon sunfire and Aegon had a proud smirk on his face.

"if you want I can take you on another ride on sunfire later and maybe see your little dragon friend" spoke Aegon leaning down to whisper in your ear.

as Y/N was about to reply bleating of a goat caught her attention and the sound of the word "dracarys "being spoken.

Vermax set the poor sheep on fire and ate it, a discussing sight if you ask me.

as the dragon keepers led vermax back into the dragon pit leaving just the children alone.

"Aemond, we have a surprise for you" spoke Aegon placing a hand on Aemond shoulder moving him forward.

Y/N stood in the middle of Aegon and Jace confused on what surprise it could be.

"really what is it?" spoke Aemond said knowing it was a jest.

"something very special" spoke Luke before laughing and running down the ramp into the dragon pit.

"well your the only Targaryen in the red keep without a dragon" spoke Aegon placing his hand on Y/Ns upper back moving her forward.

"indeed" replied Aegon unsure where this was going

"and we felt badly about it, so we found you one" spoke Aegon trying to cover his laughs.

"a dragon? how?" spoke Y/N with a ray of hope thinking they actually found one for her best friend.

"the gods provide" cockily chuckled Aegon.

after he spoke the sound of oinking arose From the dragon pit and out came a pig dressed as a dragon with wings and a tail.

"behold the pink dread!!" spoke the boys in unison.

when the boys stopped laughing Aegon leaned into his brothers ear and said " be sure to mount her carefully the first flights always rough"

the boys walked away snorting like pigs leaving Y/N and Aemond behind.

"Aemond, im so sorry, that was really cruel of them" I spoke placing a hand on Aemond's shoulder.

she went on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, she always kissed people on the cheek and a gesture but she never met for it to meant for it to come across the wrong way for some people.

she left the dragon pit making Aemond feel flustered and confused.

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