chapter 14

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Porsche was admitted to the hospital immediately. Kim and kinn refuses to leave his side . Vegas stayed with pete. He called Macau to tell him he was alright. Macau came over to stay with his brother. It then became impossible for them to make kids leave.
Thankfully Pete gained consciousness . Vegas was the first one to meet him. He didn't say anything just hugged him hard .
Pete felt really awkward but blushed when he kissed his forehead.
Macau wouldn't stop crying. Khun cursed everyone who hurt his Pete. He tried to send Vegas away from his Pete but Vegas was resilient. He stayed behind with pete for the rest of the stay.  When Pete found out about Porsche he ripped his iv line to get up to meet Porsche but docs and nurses calmed him down .
It was late at night kinn forced everyone to go back home and he stayed. Porsche gained consciousness  . Kinn called the doc to check him. Once they were done and left.  Porsche opened his arms asking for a hug. Kinn was too tired to fight and say no . So he immediately pulled Porsche into his arms and laid beside him.
Dont worry love . I am fine now.  Porsche said with a smile.  He knows kinn well. Kinn will overthink everything .  From tomorrow he needs to fight for his family against those two old hags.
Kinn woke up next day when there was a knock on the door.
Kim and chay were here to meet Porsche.
Hia. I was so scared. Phi khun took me to a huge mansion and they are all mafias. Hia. They are scary . I wanna go home. He was a crying mess. Porsche wiped his tears and hugged him.
Chay baby listen to me there's nothing to be scared of. They are good people. He tried soothing him.
I don't wanna stay hia. They are all liars. Let's go back home. He cried harder.
How about this baby you stay with me till my contract ends?? He tried to buy himself some time. Chay is gonna love this family.
Ok i don't wanna leave you alone. He agreed reluctantly only for his brother.
Now how about this .. you go out with p'kinn and buy some porridge for me I am really hungry. He kissed his forehead
O-kk. He sniffed and agreed.
Kinn understood what Porsche wanted. He wanted to talk to Kim. 
Kim immediately hugged him.  He blamed himself for Porsche's conditions.
It's not your fault kiddo. Look i am fine now. Porsche can read this kid like an open book .
Hmm.  He just hummed in response and looked away. 
How about this?? You help chay get comfortable with the family. He's really scared. He tried assigning him some task so he could be distracted for a while.
I could phi. He is very reluctant but he doesn't wanna disappoint Porsche.
Dont hurt him Kim he's your fan . Dont let him do anything weird. Can you do that for me ?? Porsche asked hopefully. Kim never trusts anyone and porschay changed him last time. Maybe it will work this time as well.
Yes phi . But I don't wanna stay in compound. Porsche completely understands him. He can't trust anyone. He is still doubting Porsche and his intentions maybe.
Take chay with you.  He's sending them away from korn for some time.
Do you think your penthouse is big enough if i stay over sometime ?? His eyes lit up. Porsche won't force him to stay . He'll visit him .
How about me can I come over ??asked Pete who entered with Vegas.
Kim smiled at him and sighed in relief.
Yes I think I can accomodate everyone. He thought before replying.

Kim who loves to stay alone in his apartment without any bodyguard, with his guitars would allow them in of they want. He'll protect them. Little did he realise he's is the one getting protection now. Vegas looked at his cousin shocked.
So do you know who kidnapped us ?? Asked Porsche.
Not yet but I'll find them soon . Vegas is determined to make their life a hell. He hasn't returned back home for past week. He will never admit but he's scared of his father.
How are you Pete ?? Porsche asked his best friend.
Bored.  I really wanna get back to work. He said it with wink he'll be accompanying his friend in anything he does.
And now Porsche has a friend to fight against the world

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