chapter 15

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Vegas tiptoed back into the house.  He's been so scared for a while now. His dad's gonna kill him. He had the chance to  kill both of the heirs but he was busy playing family with them . The lights suddenly turned on and there he stood a huge man , his father . Vegas looks so  little infront of the man . He had no remorse that his son got kidnapped. But he was very angry , with a belt in his hand . Vegas who understood did nothing just sat down on his knees . His heart beating so fast that it can explode.

He dad whipped the belt at him.  Vegas flinched but took it, this just angered his father more.  He kicked his son into the all nearby.  After an hour his father was done and Vegas was bleeding. He got up washed himself up and left again to meet Pete and Macau .

When he entered the hospital. He found Porsche at the entrance in the wheel chair with arm pushing him.  Porsche asked arm to leave for a while and called Vegas.
Vegas rolled his eyes and kept moving.
VEGAS . He screamed but Vegas kept moving.
Porsche rolled his wheelchair to catch him. Arm noticed and decided to push him to help him move faster but Vegas who noticed decided to run to the elevator but the elevator opened just to reveal khun. Khun immediately wrestled Vegas down . But when Vegas flinched. He immediately released him.  Porsche along with arm , who's panting heavily caught him too. 
Vegas let's go see a doc !!! Porsche said with an urgency.
Why?? what happened to you ?? Vegas thought maybe he  misjudged the situation
Not to me but you . Your shirt is covered in blood. Porsche said with a straight face trying to convince him to go see a doc.
No- vegas removed his hand from the Porsche's grip.
Shut up we are going to a doc right now . Porsche became increasingly scared because of blood. That looks fresh on his shirt .
It's nothing.
Arm pol . Khun looked at his two most trusted bodyguards and they immediately picked him up .
They immediately got into the elevator. Doc examined Vegas . Did some dressing then prescribed him some antibiotics. Porsche told him to rest for a while.

Hopefully vegas will take care of himself.
Few days later they allowed Porsche to go back home. Kinn visited him everyday. They would cuddle and fell asleep in each others arms.  Porsche would tease and seduce kinn sometimes only for him to say " YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS "
Porsche told Pete about Vegas and he decided to take care of him.
Porsche decided to talk to pete but Pete tells him about how suspicious Vegas is acting. He's getting tired so fast maybe it's the hospital or something but this is stressful.
Pete can you imagine them in normal life . Like think about kinn and Vegas living in a small house happy that they have a family. I'll be very honest I can't .  He chuckled and passed a cup of coffee to pete and they sat together thinking.
Hmm no one can . They have this high society aura. I know even if they loose everything they'll build it up from scratch again . Maybe legal this time . Weird smile appeared on his face by just imagining their bosses safe . He will not admit he likes Vegas .
You know Vegas likes you.  Porsche said that out no where and that made Pete spit out his coffee.
Ya ya ya you can't say things like that what if khun kinn hears that ?? I'll be jobless I have Grandma to look after .
And I am no where close to their status he'll never like me. That kiss it was just an accident. He was flushed. His cheeks were red.
Hehe sorry but I am not lying. You'll see. Ok let's make a bet . Who so ever gets married first will have to pay 100 bucks to other and throw a party at yoks. They giggled like a high school kids before actually agreeing to it.
Done .
They laughed at the stupid bet but Porsche is he ain't loosing this one cause kinn has more trust issues then Vegas. 

They packed their bags and left the hospital. They immediately  changed into uniform and reported for the duty .

Soon Porsche was perfectly fine. Ready to get back to his duty . Kinn is still in denial that he loves Porsche and wants to be with him and that is least of Porsche's concern right now.

The casinos under minor family has mole thats leaking their trade information. They recently had a meeting information everyone about the secret mission. Porsche still remembers how kinn wanted him back safe last time. He even gave him his lucky gun but this kinn is a bitch .

Vegas will lead the team . As much as Porsche was against this idea. He can't just scream as he is just a mere bodygurd right now.
The only mission Porsche had was find an excuse to go back home directly, without being harrased by Vegas.
And maybe ask pete to take his place

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