Chapter 97

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On the eve of Yu De's birthday, the leaders of several bases who had been pretending to be unfamiliar with each other finally decided to meet before taking action. Lin Yuehuan took Ruan Ning there that night, turning left and right to get rid of the Yu family faction. The people who came to monitor near the villa, Lin Yuehuan led the boy all the way to the door of a house on the second floor of an ordinary residential building and stopped. After confirming the house number again, Lin Yuehuan slowly knocked on the dark blue wooden door in front of him.

"Who is it?" An ordinary young woman's voice came from the door.

"Is Miss Song at home? I'm the superhuman who met you on the street yesterday. Didn't you agree to invite me to play today? Open the door for me."

"That superpower yesterday? What's your surname?"

"Surname Lin."

There was silence inside the door, and then there was the sound of the door opening. Even if ordinary people heard it occasionally, they would only think that the man and woman met by chance and fell in love, and then the woman invited the man to come to her home for a tryst. In the apocalypse, no one knows how many more days they can live, and their desires and desires are naturally more indulgent than before the apocalypse. Young people like them who just met yesterday and can't wait to go home for a tryst are not special in the apocalypse. , no one will think much about it.

But as the wooden door slowly opened, the beautiful girl who poked her head out saw two men standing side by side in front of the door, and she was obviously surprised. Yes, anyone who makes an appointment with a buy-one-get-one-free offer would be surprised. But seeing how quickly this woman calmed down and naturally invited everyone in, she was obviously having a good time.

Ruan Ning was pulled into the door by Lin Yuehuan, and her face showed some surprise. The woman who smiled at them after closing the door was clearly Winston's female subordinate in Z city. What was her name, Song... Song Nina? Yes, that seems to be the name. Lin Yuehuan, as if he didn't know the girl at all, smiled politely and strangely at her, and the girl returned the same smile. Upon seeing this, Ruan Ning put away the surprise on his face very naturally, and looked at the girl with an expression that immediately returned to normal, as if she was just a stranger who had helped them.

The girl pointed to the room inside the living room, but did not take them inside. Lin Yuehuan nodded clearly and took Ruan Ning into the house alone. He saw five people sitting in the room, four of whom were superpowers. Their levels were a little higher than Ruan Ning, but not too many. Lin Yuehuan, a level 4 peak superpower user, and a level 3 intermediate obviously made these people nervous. However, the atmosphere quickly relaxed with the joke of the only ordinary old man in the room.

"Oh, Nephew Lin Shi came here by himself and brought such a powerful child with him. It frightened an ordinary old man like me. After a while, we had a disagreement. Nephew Lin Shi wanted to see what happened between me and him. After many years of friendship between Lao Lin, please don't do anything to your uncle."

Lin Yuehuan also smiled and responded: "How dare you, little nephew? If I touch Uncle Fang, my father will be so angry that he jumps out of the coffin and whips me. I am not taking this opportunity to bring my daughter-in-law to you, Uncle Fang." Mr. Fang." After saying that, he didn't know whether he was serious or joking, he hugged the young man who was staring at him in surprise to his chest and asked with a smile: "Uncle Fang, what do you think of me finding this wife for myself? Will my father be satisfied underground?"

The old man was silent for a moment, obviously not expecting the other party to suddenly ask him such a question. The young man glared at Lin Yuehuan with an embarrassed look on his face.

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