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taylor swift

ADI BLUE sat at the long table along with members of her family. The graduation party had just began and Adi's head was already pounding.

"Well, don't you look happy." Luke charmed, peering from over her shoulder as she stood. "Cheer up, Blue."

"Easy for you to say." Adi rolled her eyes, tapping her ring against the side of her glass. "I haven't seen these people in years and they're squeezing my cheeks."

Luke cocked his head to the side, pinching her right cheek as she swatted his hand away. "Like that?"

"Yeah, jerk." Adi narrowed her eyes at him. "At least we got to share a graduation party, beats going to two."

"Are you saying you wouldn't wanna go to my graduation party?" Luke asked, offended.

Adi darted her tongue out to lick her lips, tasting the cherry gloss. "Okay, don't put words in my mouth, Hughesy. I can't get dolled up all the time."

"You don't need to." Luke shrugged. "You're pretty all the time."

She could feel her cheeks grow red as she hummed. In moments like this, she didn't see the boy next door that she grew up making mud pies with. She didn't see him as her best friend, she saw him as more.

"You're the sweetest." She lifted her finger, pressing it softly against his nose as he scrunched it beneath her touch.

"The graduates!" Jacks voice had them looking over, seeing the warm smile on his face as he slung his arms around the two. "The babies are all grown up."

Adi patted his back with a chuckle. "Thanks, Jacky."

"And now look, you guys are going off to college." Jack pouted, pretending to cry as Luke scoffed.

"At least I have Adi." Luke looked towards her, nudging her arm as she nodded.

Jack glanced between the two with a sly smirk. "Michigan, baby! Luke, you better get her to party. I know she's got it in her."

"Uh." She lifted a finger to shush the brunette. "Actually, do you remember last summer? Yeah, you, Cole, and that fuckhead, Zegras, got me wasted."

"No, no. No." Jack put his hands up in defense. "We told you not to drink an entire case of High Noon alone."

Luke chuckled, holding a hand over his mouth. "Oh, God. Mom had to rescue her. She was throwing up for hours."

"Don't start." Adi warned. "I have so much dirt on you."

"Save it." Jack tapped her bare shoulder before giving it a squeeze. "These kinds of stories are the ones you tell at weddings. Well, yours and Luke's wedding of course."

Adi rammed her hand into his chest, making him grunt. "And just like that, Quinn is back to being my favorite."

"Hello? I'm right here." Luke waved his hand in her face. "That's so rude."

"Your mom pays me to be friends with you." Adi stuck her tongue out. "This is too much Hughes for me. I'm going to find Helena."

Adi hurried away from the boys, shaking her head as her eyes landed on the brunette girl. "Helena!"

"Hi." Helena wrapped her arms around the blonde tightly. "This is so exciting. I guess you actually did convince your mom to throw your parties together."

Adi nodded proudly. "Thank God. Your party was actually sick. Even though Luke almost lit me on fire."

"Yeah, don't trust him with a torch." Helena hummed, the two girls laughing. "What are we doing if he's our neighbor in college. I can't stand having him in a dorm room beside us."

"I've had him as my neighbor for, like, my whole life. Having his window right across from mine is a blessing and a curse." Adi clicked her tongue with a headshake.

Helena nodded, rolling her bottom lip into her mouth. "So, do you think you'll finally make a move?"

"What?" Adi cocked a brow with shock. "Helena, don't start this."

"What!" Helena shrugged. "I mean, Adi, he's tall, hot, a hockey player, and you guys were, like, destined to be together."

Adi glanced over her shoulder, watching Luke bicker with Jack, shaking her head as she turned back to Helena. "We were not destined to be together. Plus, it would ruin our friendship."

"Fine, fine." Helena back off with her hands in defense.  "But you're lying if you're telling me he's not head over heels for you."

"Guess I'm a liar." Adi shoot her daggers. "Dylan told me he's been talking to this girl anyways. It doesn't matter. Let's just get through this summer, yeah?"

Helena nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "A summer of being a slut for not Luke Hughes."

"Yeah, we're not dorming together." Adi lifted her finger, flipping her off as Helena pouted.

helena = wing woman af

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now