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taylor swift

ADI BLUE held the can of twisted tea tightly, the mini dress adorning her summer tan as the Hughes backyard was once again filled with many people.

The Fourth of July was a special holiday to the group of teenagers and young adults, a classical holiday to get shit faced and blame it on celebrating freedom.

Helena fanned herself, her dark brown sprawled over her back as she groaned. "Fuck. Why is it so hot? I'm dying."

"Dramatic...." Adi trailed off with teasing tone, chuckling as Helena shot her daggers. "Where even is everyone?"

Adi began to glance around, in search for the young familiar faces. That's when her stomach turned, furrowing her brows as her eyes landed on Luke.

He adjusted the hat on the back of his head, smiling brightly at the girl in front of him. Carson Reed, had been obsessed with Luke since they were  kids.

Her ginger hair was pulled into a clip, her pale skin showering as her top was cut low, the constant cock of her head made Adi sick as the girl beamed up towards Luke.

"Carson? As in, like, crazy Carson?" Helena blinked, completely blindsided as she watched the two talk. "I thought he didn't like her."

Adi shrugged, "Who cares? Let him have fun."

"Yeah?" Helena cocked a brow, her arms crossed. "So, if Luke started making out with her, you wouldn't care?"

Adi rolled her eyes, nearly twitching at the image of the two. "That's just gross, okay? There's nothing I can do about it."

"I mean, you could go steal him away?" Helena bit her bottom lip with narrowed eyes.

"No." Adi quickly shook her head. "I am not cockblocking. Plus, even if I like Luke, it's stupid. I can't hold him back."

Helena chocked on the Malibu shooter she'd been sipping on, claiming she wanted to take it slow, "Wait, what? Did you just admit you like him?"

Adi's eyes widened slightly, her head on a swivel as she was quick to look around to wandering eyes or ears. "Shush, Hels. Okay, yes, fuck. I do. You already knew that."

"Well, duh." Helena scoffed, wiping her mouth. "I just can't believe you finally admitted it. More towards yourself though."

"Ha ha." Adi mocked with a groan. "I've only told you and Quinn. Please don't be weird in front of him."

Helena put her hands up. "Yes ma'am. I promise to keep my mouth shut and talk in secret to huggy."

Adi turned over her shoulder, watching Carson bat her eyelashes towards the curly headed boy, her hand resting on his forearm.

As the night began to approach, Adi had avoided the youngest Hughes the entire day, sticking towards Trevor, Cole, Alex, Helena, and the two older Hughes's.

She brushed her hair from her face, smiling softly as she watched Trevor and Helena lay together, speaking indistinctly.

Adi headed for the empty dock, hearing her sneakers pad against the wood as she sighed, resting her chin in her palm as her elbows laid flat against the ledge.

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now