thirty eight

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ADI LIFTED her hand to knock on the Hughes door, holding the bouquet of flowers tightly.

Jack opened the door, a smile coming across his pink lips as he eyed her. "Aw, Adi Blue. Are those for me? You shouldn't have."

"In your dreams." Adi mocked him with an eye roll.

He let her inside, shutting the door before stopping her. "Wait, Ads. Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Adi nodded, intrigued.

"Sorry about the fourth." Jack scratched the back
of his neck. "I hope I didn't ruin your night. And also for the country club party...I was just trying to stay out of it."

Adi shrugged with a grin of appreciation. Jack and Adi weren't exactly two peas in a pod, not the way her and Quinn were but she still loved the boy regardless of his lack of his surroundings.

"All good, Rowdy." Adi scrunched her nose slightly. "It means a lot to me. Thanks."

Jack nodded before letting her scurry up the steps in search for the curly headed boy.

She reached the door handle, the sound of her feet shuffling were enough for the door to fly open, revealing Luke.

"Are you that excited to see me?" Adi poked at him, before being kissed hungrily. "Okay, that answers my question."

He pulled her inside his room, leading her to his bed. "Did you like the flowers?"

"I love them." Adi hummed, looking down at them. "I'm actually here to ask if you have a spare vase...considering you sent me two bouquets last week."

"I know you love flowers." Luke shrugged with a chuckle. He fiddled nervously with the chain in his hands, Adi's eyes flickering down to it.

She could see the infinity pendant dangling. "Do you want it back?"

Adi placed the flowers down, turning her back to him. He gently pushed her back, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail before clamping the necklace on.

She could feel her skin burn with the touch of the coldness, a feeling that she never wanted to stop. A spark of electric danced along her collarbone as he traced her bare skin. She hummed, falling back into him.

"I won my first game." Luke said suddenly, making her brows furrow. "Like, the night of my debut. We won and I think it's the best I've ever played."

"Cocky, eh?" Adi teased, the top of her head pressing into his jawline as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

She could feel him shake his head. "I think it was the horseshoe. Or maybe I just took out all my aggression on that puck."

"How about we say a little bit of both?" Adi chuckled, feeling his chest vibrate.

"Can I be honest with you?" Luke brushed the strands from her face as he heard her hum with approval. "I was really gutted when I saw you didn't go to the watch party. Rutger sent me a video with everyone. I didn't expect you to go but when I saw you really didn't...reality kicked in."

Adi breathed deeply with guilt as she sat up, facing him. "I'm sorry I didn't go to the watch party."

"It's fine. I..." Luke began, stopping when she cut him off.

"But you're crazy if you think I didn't watch you. Of course I did." Adi beamed, holding his fingers between her own. "It tore me apart but I wanted to see you achieve everything you ever dreamed about."

Luke smiled, bringing his thumb to smooth over her bottom lip. "I fucking love you, Adi Blue."

"I love you, Luke Hughes." Adi flashed her teeth, even to this day he still awakened the butterflies in her stomach just by looking at her.

i just love them

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now