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taylor swift

THE MICHIGAN ice hockey date party had just started as Luke and Adi came strolling in, hands tight as their fingers intertwined.

"If it isn't these two shitheads." Dylan smiled brightly, raising his brows slightly.

Adi cocked her head to the side. "Cute beanie."

"Hello." Luca greeted with small twiddle of his fingers, his date wrapped up with him as her long ginger hair flowed freely on her pale skin.

Luke and Adi said hello to their friends before finding themselves at their assigned table. She turned over her shoulder, her eyes landing on Helena as she watched her speak to Ethan.

"Assuming things with Trevor still haven't gone well?" Luke asked, clearing his throat as he bit into a piece of bread.

Adi shrugged. "They were on the phone for, like, three hours last night. She was all giddy so who knows."

"For you madam." Dylan placed a drink in front of the blonde, earning a stare. "Yes?"

"Isn't this, like, chaperoned?" Adi flickered her eyes between the two boys, smelling the alcohol from the glass.

Dylan glanced around with pursued lips. "Eh. Our coaches are already drunk off their asses. Hey, as long as we don't drink and drive, who cares?"

"Cheers to that." Luke hummed, the three clinking their beverages together before taking sips from them.

Adi could feel her body shake from the sour taste of the alcohol, feeling it coat her throat with a burning sensation.

"Taste like water." Dylan clicked his tongue with a small sway of his hips.

"Why are we friends with this kid?" Adi teased, watching his face twist with shock.

Dylan placed his palm in her face. "Shut it. I'm going to dance. Bye freaks."

"He's really something, huh?" Luke chuckled, bringing his hand to lie over hers. "You look really beautiful tonight, Ads."

A smile crept upon her glossed lips as she lifted her thumb to stroke his knuckles. "Thank you. You clean up nice, too."

"I try." Luke sighed, cockily.

"Do you think Lucas date looks beautiful?" Adi asked suddenly, catching him by surprise. "She's is ginger and you know, that's your type.

Luke parted his lips, digging his tongue into his right inside cheek with a slow blink. "You're a real comedian, Adi Blue."

Adi placed a hand to her heart with a pout. "Oh, the applause! Stop, I'm blushing."

"No, Adi." Luke scooted his chair closer to hers. "I don't think anyone on this planet comes as close to perfect than you."

Adi leaned her forehead against his, her heartbeat pounding at how easily those worlds left his mouth. She believed him. She would believe anything that came out of Luke Hughes mouth and she didn't know if it would come back to haunt her.

With five more of the mystery drinks given to her by Dylan, it was safe to say, Adi Blue could no longer handle her liquor.

She danced until her feet her, leading to her taking her heels off and marching back to her seat with her head falling into her hands.

The room was spinning as her head pounded with such force it made her nearly vomit. A small whine left her lips as her floor vibrated beneath her.

"Hey." A hand coming to her back had her moving slightly. "It's Mark. You good?"

Adi gave him a shaky thumbs up, not bothering to lift her head. "Wait here. I'm gonna grab Luke." His voice drifted.

Within seconds, he was crouched, his warm hands engulfing her bare thighs as he attempted to look at her face. "Adi, baby. Adi. Look at me."

Adi attempted to shove him off but failed as he was shrugging off his suit jacket, placing it around her body as he lifted her up, holding her in a bridal carry.

He held her heels in one hand while it supported her legs, the free hand kept her bottom half covered as he did an Irish goodbye, rushing them both out of there.

Adi fell asleep quicker then she ever had in the comfort of his arms, the rocking of him walking back to his dorm was enough to have her falling in a trance.

He kicked his door opened with his feet, setting their belongings down as he gently placed her on the bed.

"Ads." Luke brushed her hair from her face, her dark blue eyes lined with red as she opened them, glancing around his room.

"What?" She rubbed her eyes, tucked up into a ball.

Luke assisted her to lay upright, holding a glass of water as he nearly forced her to drink, the advil
going down with it.

He disappeared momentarily, returning with a cold and damp wash cloth as he slowly began to rub it on her face, taking her makeup off.

Adi pouted, even in her drunk state realizing his sweet gesture. He tossed it into his hamper before helping her undress, throwing his t-shirt off as he placed it over her head.

The lights were flickered off as he crawled in beside her, her head immediately going to the crook of his neck.

"Luke." She broke their silence, praying he hadn't fallen asleep.

"Adi." Luke hummed, his hand holding the small of her back.

Adi sniffled slightly. "I'm selfish."

"What?" Luke asked.

"I don't want you to go." Adi admitted, feeling her eyes blur. "It's gonna change. Everything is. You're gonna leave me and..."

"Stop." He cut her off. "I'm not leaving you in any sense other than physical. We can do distance, I know we can."

Adi shut her eyes with a swallow. "But what if..."

"There's no place on earth that I wouldn't go to find you, Adi. There's only you." Luke reassured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

But Luke...I wanted to believe you. I did.

thank you for 8k my loves <3

*ೃ༄ NEVER GROW UP ; LUKE HUGHESWhere stories live. Discover now