forty one

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jeff buckley

ADI BLUE could feel her cheeks begin to hurt from how much she'd been smiling for the past three hours. The bright red jersey adorning her skin, her tan fading as the air began to grow colder.

The number forty-three with his last name written in big bold letters, she wore it with pride.

She leaned against the wall just outside of the locker room, foot kicked up as he was the first out, eyes scanning in search.

"Looking for someone?" Adi cocked her head, his feet working quickly as he wrapped his arms around her tight.

"I can't believe you're here." Luke muttered into her skin as he placed kisses all over her face and neck.

"Sorry I ruined the surprise." Adi brushed his damp curls out of his face, sweat still evident after their win. "I just suck at keeping things from you."

Luke shrugged, tugging at the ends of the jersey slightly. "It's okay. I just care that I can finally see you. Cute jersey by the way."

Adi grinned with a chuckle. "Do you think it's for you? It was supposed to be a Canucks jersey but I guess the number and last name coordinated to you."

"Oh, wow." Luke rolled his eyes with a short sigh. "Well, I'm glad it's not."

"Maybe I chose the wrong Hughes all along." Adi shrugged, pursuing her lips as she watched his face twist.

"Yeah, you're walking home." Luke nodded, attempting to throw her hands off his arms.

Her head tilted back with laughter, squeezing his biceps tight as she tried to hold him. "Okay, babe, stop."

"I can book you a flight to Vancouver if that would make you happy." Luke mocked, trying to hide his smile.

"No thanks." Adi shook her head, squeezing his cheeks. "I'm perfectly fine with being here with my boyfriend."

Luke hummed, holding her lower back. "Oh, yeah?"

"Mhm." Adi pulled his bottom lip down with her thumb. "I missed you."

"I missed you." Luke repeated with a pull of his lips. "So fucking much."

"How much?" Adi moved her hands to his chest, the tight shirt beneath her fingertips showing every flex of his muscles.

Luke watched her shutter as his thumb dipped beneath her jersey, falling to her hip as she was pinned to the wall. "A lot, Blue."

"Like..." Adi paused, the devilish look in her eyes made him cock a brow. "Like, take me back to your apartment and show me how much you missed me?"

His eyes widened, a blush falling to his cheeks. "Do you want me that bad, Adi Blue?"

"Eh." She shrugged.

"Can you guys stop fucking each other?" Jack's voice had Luke creating space, his bright blue eyes flickering between the two. "Oh, and I will be home tonight."

"Okay?" Luke eyed his brother with confusion. "What's that got to do with us?"

Jack shot him a glare. "I don't think you want me to reenact. The walls are thin, Lukey."

Adi pressed her fingers to her lips, closing her eyes with a shake of her head, skin burning from
being called out.

"Shut up." Luke pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm starving, can we just go home now?"

"Sure, baby." Jack mocked with a pout, slapping his brother's shoulder gently as the three began to walk in sync. "Nice seeing you as well, Adi."

"Hi, Rowdy." Adi peered over at him, still flustered from his comment. "I don't think you even deserve a hello after that comment."

Jack chuckled, flicking his keys around his pointer finger. "Just playful banter, you know?"

"I swear you suffer from middle child syndrome." Adi bit her bottom lip, arms coming around her body as the stepped out into the chilly Jersey weather.

Luke slung an arm around her, attempting to bring warmth as she shivered into his ribs.

"Middle child syndrome?" Jack unlocked his car, popping the trunk as he threw his and Luke's bags in.

"Correct." Adi nodded, hoping into the backseat as she scooted over to the middle, buckling her belt. "It's a good thing Quinn doesn't have it."

Jack flicked his eyes up, meeting hers through the mirror. "You know, you say he's your favorite and all but I know you have a soft spot for me."

Adi chuckled, crossing her legs. "I'll admit it on my deathbed."

Luke's hand reached back to stroke her knee, his eyes darting at the crowded streets of New Jersey Devil fans. Jack cracked their windows, fans screaming and holding out different items to her autographed.

Adi bounced her leg up and down, praying that no one peeked into the backseat. Girls batted their eyes at the curly headed boy, shoving their phones near him to capture him.

Jack began to drive, lifting his hand to wave as he rolled the windows back up. "That one brunette chick was pretty hot, don't you think?"

"I have a beautiful girlfriend." Luke patted her legs as she placed her hand over his. "It'll be a hard pass for me. You do you, bro."

"I'm tired of third wheeling!" Jack whined like a kid. "You guys make me sick."

"I know you're jealous." Adi pouted, earning a harsh side-eyed from the brunette.

Jack shook his head. "I'm a busy man. I don't have time to settle down."

"We know." Both Luke and Adi said in sync, causing Jack to scowl.

"You both are assholes." Jack flipped them off.

"You love us." Adi squeezed his shoulder with her free hand. "Who else would you want to entertain you for all hours of the day?"

Jack rolled his lips into his mouth. "Sometimes I think I'd rather watch paint dry than hear you two."

"Sorry, hun, I'm not going anywhere." Adi scrunched her nose at him, tilting her head.

"You're lucky I love my brother." Jack fought a grin. "And I kinda love you, too."

"Not to much." Luke warned. "Ease up on my girl."


thank you to all of you who loved this story from DAY one.
it has been a honor to share it with you all.
so much more to come from me!
luke and adi forever 💛

other news:

XOXO, B 💘💘

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