Chapter 18: Helpless

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Author's Note: This chapter contains some depictions of violence that could be upsetting to some readers. 


Snip. Snip.

The garden shears echoed loudly around the stone-enclosed garden as I moved from one bush to the next, pruning the night-blooming flowers.

Palace gardeners came through regularly during the day but at night, the prince's wing was completely shut down. I was the only one there to take care of the night flowers and I didn't have a lot of other options for going outside.

Sighing, I adjusted the collar on my neck. Most days, I barely noticed it was there but when I was alone with nothing to do, it hung like an anvil around my neck.

I moved to the next bush and snipped some of the leaves off a jasmine plant that was trying to crowd out some smaller plants underneath.

The daytime gardeners couldn't always see what was happening with the night-blooming plants when they weren't in full bloom.

Before raising the shears, I leaned down and pressed my face into the little white blossoms. The fragrant, floral jasmine filled my nostrils and made my head spin. I knew half a dozen spells that relied on jasmine. Not that I could perform any of them.

I snipped off a few flowers and tucked them in my pocket before shuffling along to the next section of the garden. Why did the prince even have a garden, or night-blooming flowers for that matter, if he was never here to enjoy them?

From the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow between the plants. I spun in that direction but the shadow was gone.

"A little too much time alone." I giggled to myself and touched my forehead. Maybe it was best if I called it a night.

I headed down the path back to the palace, my shoes scuffing along the cobblestones. Clouds littered the sky, concealing light from the moon and stars. That was probably the reason my mind was playing tricks on me.

Just as I made it to the garden gate, the shadows around me turned to arms and dark hands grabbed my clothes and my legs.

"Ack!" I whipped around and slammed the pruning sheers into the nearest arm. They stuck firmly and someone grunted.

I was under attack.

I picked up my skirts and ran back the way I came, deeper into the garden. All around me, the shadows took shape. Like snakes writhing, dark, wiggling arms reached out to me. I reached inside for my magic.

The collar on my neck jumped and zapped me.

"Ow!" I should have held onto those pruning shears.

The shadowy arms pawed at my dress, sticking to the fabric. I pulled away and kept running. Blood pounded in my ears and my heart hammered in my chest. Sweat trickled down my spine.

I whipped my head around looking for the nearest exit from the garden. Would the collar attack me again if it thought I was trying to escape? I was completely helpless.

Sticky, shadow hands clung to my skirts.

"Get off!" I kicked one. It recoiled and then wound around my leg. It became solid and sent a tingle straight up my spine. Magic.

I couldn't use it but I could sense it. I bent down and scratched my nails into the arm. Behind me, someone groaned and the hand let up. I didn't turn to look.

Suddenly, from all around me, shadows erupted from the bushes. Leaves rustled, wind whipped my hair, and dozens of shadow hands coiled around my arms and legs. I thrashed and struggled as they tightened around me like constricting snakes.

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