Chapter 29: Night of the Solstice

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A maid dropped off my dress from the seamstress the day before the Solstice Celebration. The night of the event, I pulled the top off the box. Tissue paper crinkled inside. The red, jewel-encrusted dress was folded neatly in the box.

I reached out and ran my finger across the edge of one of the jewels. It was hard, sharp, and cool. They were real!

Gasping, I slammed the lid of the box back down.

"Lady Sabine?"

I whipped around to the door. The maid who helped me when I was injured stood with her hands clasped behind her back.

"The prince sent me to assist you."

"Again?" I shook my head.

"He bade me send you to him once you are dressed."

Sighing, I nodded. "Alright." It was the same song and dance as before.

I'd barely seen the prince since our last encounter... blood rushed to the surface of my skin and I looped my arms around my fluttering stomach.

"Let's start with your hair," the maid offered.

She combed my hair down my back and deftly worked out the tangles. The maid hummed softly to herself as her fingers parted my strands and expertly wove a braid into my hair.

She braided my hair flat against my head on one side, around the back of my head, and fixed it to drape over the opposite shoulder. She finished by lacing white heather through my braid and tucking a fresh red rose in at the base.

"Perfect! Let's see your dress." She kept humming as she opened the box and pulled the dress out. Her eyes went wide and reflected the thousands of tiny jewels that glittered on the dress's surface.

The dress had one long sleeve and then angled sharply across my chest, leaving my other shoulder bare. The bodice was tight to my waist with a small crimp to give the velvet fabric texture. The skirt hung loosely and straight down to my ankles. On one side, a large frill of the same fabric was pinned to the hip and fixed down to the hem. A flowing train hung off the back, pooling behind me.

I didn't have any full mirrors in my room but I knew it was the nicest dress I'd ever laid eyes on. Every time I moved, facets of light bounced around on my bedroom walls.

"You look stunning, My Lady. Best not keep the prince waiting." The maid patted my hand and nudged me toward the adjoining door.

Festive music played from a phonograph, filling Prince Cole's suite with an air of Solstice Celebration. I'd caught glimpses of maids and servants decorating the entire palace, except the prince's wing, with white and gold bells, fresh flowers, and garlands of greenery adorned with colorful blossoms.

Music was played around the clock.

The entire capital had been celebrating for days. I'd heard the music and cheers from my open window. 

Prince Cole stood before a trifold mirror. Two male servants brushed off his loose undershirt and breeches with stiff bristled brushes.

His eyes lifted in the mirror and I bowed my head before our gaze connected.

"That'll be all for now. My attendant can finish."

The servants immediately set their brushes aside and headed out of the room.

"My attire is hanging on the changing screen." He pointed.

I retrieved his wide-legged wrap-around pants. They were thick velvet, black with glittering red embroidery winding around the legs like serpents. I'd never seen the prince wear anything this formal.

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