Chapter 23: Rescue

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Author's Note: This chapter contains graphic depictions of torture that might be upsetting to some readers.


"Sire, we just got word that Princess Rosalie was attacked in the streets."

I looked up from the map on my desk and arched an eyebrow. "Is she alright?"

"Yes." My security officer nodded, his armor clinking.

"Then why are you telling me?" I turned my attention back to the map and ran my palm over the smooth parchment.

The border between Telasia and Stivalia varied from one hand-drawn map to the other but it was more or less the same.

My security officer cleared his throat.


"Princess Rosalie is asking for you."

I slapped my hand against the map and let out a long breath. What could my sister possibly want from me? I handled external threats. We had all the soldiers and guards we needed in Vagra to handle local threats.

Morganna is insistent as well.

I frowned at Talon's interruption. Why?

She won't say. She's agitated.

"Let the princess know that I'm on my way."

My security officer bowed, clinking more, and turned on his heel out of my office.

I rolled up the map and headed to Rosalie's wing. Her guards lined the hallway, stationed in between every door, and a company of six outside her bed chamber.

The guards were tense, on guard. The palace was the safest place in the world. No one would come after a princess in the palace.

Then again, I didn't think anyone would attack a slave within palace walls...

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Morganna's heavy steps rattled the bed chamber doors.

"Step aside." I motioned to the guards at the door.

One hesitated, the one with the mark of the highest ranking among my sister's guards.

I narrowed my eyes at him. He sucked in a sharp breath and motioned the others out of the way.

Rosalie paced back and forth in her foyer. She kept shaking her hands. I saw a slight tremor in them.

Behind her, Morganna's scales glinted in the torch light, flashing splashes of blue against the white marble walls.

As the smallest of all the dragons, she could easily get comfortable in Rosalie's chambers. There were times I wished Talon could fit in mine.

"I count four limbs, a head. Hardly more than a bruise on your cheek."

Rosalie froze. I heard her swallow as she turned to me. "I'm fine. Thank you for your concern." She sniffed and shook her head.

"I assumed you were fine since you asked for me and weren't in the infirmary."

Morganna curved her neck toward me. Her eyes glowed bright and she pulled her lips back over her pearly white teeth. Her breath came out in a low, raspy hiss, wafting hot air over my face.

I waved my hand in front of my nose. "Why did you want to see me?"

"Do you even remember why I was in the city today?"

"Acquiring a Solstice dress for my personal attendant."

Rosalie scoffed. "So, Mister War Strategist, it stands to reason that if I was attacked, so was she!"

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