Chapter 28: This Isn't Good

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Author's Note: This chapter includes forced kiss content that may be unsettling to some readers. 


Warm, soft lips moved against mine.

My head swam, my lungs empty and screaming for air. I gasped and a rush of air made my head spin more.

Prince Cole's mouth pressed more firmly and with a mind of their own, my lips matched his movements.

My stomach lurched and I squirmed, his strong body and the stone wall a vice around me. Heat raced across my skin like wildfire and my insides clenched. My heart hammered against my chest, dancing to a rhythm all its own.

His tongue flicked across my lower lip, a light, teasing touch concealing a deepening desire. I parted my lips slightly, ready to accept him.

Clarity rammed into me and all at once, I felt like I was being forced back into my body like a rock dropping to the ground. The euphoria and lightheadedness vanished.

This was all wrong. Princes and slaves did not...

I squirmed against Prince Cole's brick wall frame and pushed at his chest. My hands barely made an impression against his muscles. If he commanded me, I wasn't in a position to say "no."

No, this was all wrong.

I pushed harder at his chest, to no avail. His tongue traced my lower lip again. I bit down hard on the prince's lip and felt his skin break.

He grunted and stepped back, releasing his grip on me. A bloody smirk crossed his lips and he dabbed at the bit with his knuckle.

"That was interesting, wasn't it?" He chuckled.

My heart fluttered and I stared at him. "Interesting?" I rubbed my forehead, my breath refusing to stick in my lungs. The heat all over my body wouldn't abate. What was happening to me?

The prince ran his finger along his bottom lip. "Yes, interesting." He tapped the cut on his mouth.

"Your Majesty I... I..." Words failed me. I shrugged and looked down. I drew the prince's blood. That was unforgivable.

I dropped down on my knees and pressed my palms and forehead to the floor. There was no begging for forgiveness. There was nothing that would save me from the Prince's sword.

"Whatever punishment is to descend on me, please make it quick, Your Highness." My words echoed off the floor.

Every muscle in my body was taught and ready to spring. I held my breath, waiting for the prince to hand down his judgment.

"Stand up, Sabine." He chuckled and I heard his footsteps move further away from me.

My breath trembled as I sat back on my heels. I kept my eyes down. My chest heaved. If he was going to cut off my head, I didn't want to see it coming.

"I'm not going to punish you."

"But I..." I rubbed my hands on my thighs. "I drew your blood. Your royalty."

"I believe I told you that everyone has the right to defend themselves."

Slowly, I raised my eyes.

He swiped his hand along his lip, wiping away the rest of his blood. The prince wore a subtle smile. He watched me closely.

"I am not permitted such luxuries."

The prince scoffed. "You're not an exception to 'everyone.'"

"I'm a slave." I pressed my hands to my heart.

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