Chapter 2

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(America's pov)

I was sitting at my chair in the meeting. Germany was losing his patience since France and Britain started their bickering already. Italy was annoying Germany about his dishes. Canada sat next to me on my left and didn't say anything. Mexico wasn't even here since she was on leave otherwise she'd sit next to me on my right. UN was on the stand, completely losing his patience like Germany.

"Enough!" UN yelled, the countries stopped and looked over at him.

"Can we get back to the meeting!?" He asked us all, annoyed and well, angry.

"I agree with UN on this one," Russia stated. "The less I spend here in this capitalists country the better." He added, North Korea and China snickering to themselves.

I glared at the Russian through my glasses. UN spoke up again.

"That's enough, Russia. America, do you have anything to share with us?" He asked me, the countries looking over at me.

"Nope." Isaid to him, leaning back in my chair.

UN pinched the bridge of his nose with sigh, I just stared at him before my phone started ringing with the annoying ring tone that one of my kids set, Ashes by Céline Dion, for the country they called their mother. I panicked.

"Sorry! I have to answer this!" I said getting up as I recognized the ring tone immediately.

I answered the call and a panicked voice came over, in a yell.

"I have news!" The voice yelled into the phone, I removed it from my ear as the voice yelled at me it sounded female.

"What happened?" I asked the voice, knowing it was Lectwist it couldn't be good.

"Well uh....... Ohio started her time of the month, she told Kentucky and he's currently frozen in place and won't talk to anyone." The voice came over again, less frantic but there was worry in her voice.

"Is <my daughter> okay?" I asked her, the my daughter part was said in another language so the others couldn't hear it.

"She's my kid too, <bastard!>" The country yelled at me over the phone, bastard in the same language I spoke to her in.

"I'm sorryyyyy!" I replied in a complaining voice almost. "I don't wanna be kicked out of the bed again!" I added to my first sentence.

"Be glad I even married you!" The country yelled at me over the phone before hanging up. I face-palmed before mumbling something under my breath.

I put my phone back into my pocket and looked back over at the countries. Oh shit, they heard that didn't they? I thought to myself with a groan.

"Who in the bloody hell was that!?" UK asked me, I looked over at him and started to regret my life choices.

"My wife...." I muttered out, Canada who sat next to me stared at me in shock.

"Wife!?" Canada asked me, completely shocked.

"You're married!?" Most, in not all of the countries yelled at me. I heard NATO snicker behind me.

"Well yea, I legit wear my wedding ring everyday." I say to them, holding my hand up to show them the ring, it was gold with ruby red outlines and a thin blue stripe running through the middle, a thin emerald green ran around the thin blue stripe, onyx black gems adorned a single golden stripe another gemstone adorned the middle of the ring, it was a sky blue color and was shaped to resemble a crescent moon.

I noticed Japan and Germany stay quiet along with NATO who mostly just snickered at me. Won't even help their father? Bejesus. I thought to myself.

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