Chapter 10

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(America's pov)

I laid Freya down onto the couch for her to sleep with her head in my lap. Lectwist came over to me and started bandaging my wounds in complete silence.

"What was that?" Romano asked, no one wanted to respond.

"What was what?" I asked, he just glared at me.

"That fucking scene!" He yelled, both of us glared at him.

"Watch your language." Lectwist hissed at him. He looked taken aback but obeyed.

"The so-called scene is normal in this house. Get used to it." I said to him, comforting Freya still.

Freya woke up with a start and stared at me wide-eyed before bursting into tears.

"I'm so sorry mama. I shouldn't of went into the forest." She said to me in-between sobs.

"Freya." I said to her softly, she looked up at me sniffling and still crying. "It's alright hun. You didn't know that would happen." I said to her softly, she held onto my tightly in response and was still crying.

I started whispering to her lovingly to try and calm her down.

"Shhhhh. It's okay. Nothing happened. You're alright now. Shhhh." I whispered to her, she still clung to me like a lost puppy and wouldn't let go.

I cradled Freya in my arms as she hugged me closer, I shifted my eagle wings and they swiftly moved around her to comfort her, she noticed and started messing with the feathers on my wings. I knew this would happen so I let her, she carefully avoided the under-half of my wings like a good child.

(Ohio's pov)

I walked into the living room to see the nations, Freya and both of my mothers there. Freya was messing with mom's eagle wings and she let her which was surprising as she normally hides them.

I walked closer to mom and them when I noticed England. I sprung my cardinal wings upwards in a defensive measure(Every state has the wings of their state bird, they can switch between the state bird and state animal). I sat down next to mom with a low hiss as I took Freya from her, mom let me and Freya started messing with my wings this time.

"Who is she?" A nation asked, seeing as I don't know which one did I looked over at mom to answer that question for me.

"Finland, this is Ohio. One of my older and more mature kids." Mom responded, I looked back over at the nation and noticed the white background with the blue sideways cross.

I noticed Asher walked into the room and signaled him over here.

"What is it sis?" He asked, I handed him the sleeping Freya and he nodded before leaving the room to put her in her bed upstairs.

"Ohio, dear. Introduce yourself to the nations for me." Mom stated, I looked over at her and smiled before looking at the nations. I suppose my face went cold and dark in an instant at noticing England as he looked pissed.

"I'm Kathrine Ohio Jones. Pleased to meet you!" I say with a fake smile and a small wave.

"How old are you, dear?" Someone asked, I studied their flag for a moment before realizing it was grandma Norway(Norway is a dude, everyone just calls him a woman because Sweden's his husband and just for fun).

"I'm 11. One of the older states of The USA." I respond, crossing my arms but with a smile as I like grandma Norway.

"How young do the states go exactly?" Another nation asked, I recognized the voice as Prussia.

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