Chapter 9

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(America's pov)

I woke up to the sounds of yelling from downstairs, looking over at the time it's only 7am. I get up from bed begrudgingly and walked downstairs to complete chaos.

I walled into the kitchen and drank the coffee that Lect handed me and she quietly drank her own coffee.

I watched as Ezra entered the kitchen with Noah, both of them exhausted. They stared at me for a minute, I looked down and saw I left my wings out instead of putting them away like I normally do.

"MA HAS HER WINGS OUT!" Austin yelled, the other states came tumbling into the kitchen one after another.

"Your wings are so pretty mama!" Nickolas and Lulu said, I ruffled their hair.

"Thank you my little Alaska and Hawaii." I said to them with a smile.

"Can I braid your hair again?" Lulu asked me, I nodded and she beamed with joy.

"Yay!" She said, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the living room. She forced me to sit down on the floor and she also sat down next to me.

She separated my hair into three parts and started braiding, I quietly sat there waiting for my daughter to finish. I looked over at Lectwist who was on her phone.

"Lect, what time is it?" I asked her, she looked over at me.

"One hour before the nations arrive." She responded.

I smiled and she did the same before turning back to her phone.

"Para." I said, my adopted daughter looked over at me.


"Make sure the others are ready for the nations appearance and get the twins from the hospital later. They should be fine now, it's been a few days since the accident." I said to her, she nodded and left the room.

She later returned with her keys and left the house this time to pick up her younger siblings.

Once she left Lulu finished braiding my hair.

"Why's your hair so long mom?" She asked me. I laughed.

"I grew it out for as long as I lived." I responded to her, her mouth made an 'o' shape and she left the room with Nickolas following behind her.

"Mommmmmm!" Camila complained running into the room.

"Yes?" I ask her, the Californian ran over to me and started complaining.

"Take me shopping!" She whined, I groaned.

"Noah! Kathrine! Come here for me!" I called out to the two. They both walked over to me.

"Take Camila shopping." I say to them both, they groan but accept.

"Let's go. I'll drive." Noah said, grabbing his keys and leaving the house. I handed Kathrine around $500 for her to spend on the three of them. She smiled and dragged Camila outside with her and then Noah sped off with his siblings.

(Delaware's pov)

Two of my younger sisters were in the car with me, it isn't all that bad since Kath is like a mom to the younger kids like Camila but it doesn't change the fact she's eleven and should be enjoying her life but I guess that's what happens when you're forced to grow up faster than others.

(Ohio's pov)

Camila, Noah and I all sat in Noah's car. I sat in the passenger seat as Noah drove and Camila, being the youngest of us three, sat in the backseat.

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