Bonus: Fem!America & singing

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(America's pov)

I smack my alarm off of the nightstand again. God does that thing annoy me. I get up from the bed, annoyed but I just grabbed my work clothes and put them on inside the bathroom. I've actually been male for a couple days now so I didn't check this time and just put my clothes on. Slipping my sunglasses on afterwards.

Leaving the bathroom and bedroom I made my way upstairs to my office and grabbed my things from there. I then left my office and walked over to the railing that peeks over the edge, I grabbed the railing and expanded my wings tossing myself over and catching in the air.

Landing on the floor without injury I closed my wings and then hid them, turning them back into my tattoo on my back of my eagle wings. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a tea cup filling it with coffee I started sipping from it. Looking over at the time I sigh and just grab the bottle of vodka from the winery hidden behind the fridge. Leaving the winery I grab a different tea cup and leave the room to my truck.

Getting into my truck I put my briefcase and vodka in the passenger seat, the tea cup sat in the cup holder next to me. I put the key in and started the ignition. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to the family group chat basically saying I left for work and not to worry. I then turned the radio on and random songs started blasting through it, the first being 'Blue lips - Regina Spektor'. I listen to it while on the drive to work.

I pull into the parking lot and sit there for a moment with the truck off. I look over at my things and grab them before kicking the truck door open and getting out, I closed the door with my arm and started walking into the UN building I put in New York City. Walking through it I went straight to the meeting room and just sat down at my seat, pouring the vodka into the tea cup and drinking from it slowly. While yes, it burned but I don't care enough to actually say anything about it.

I watch as a few others walk into the room, three of them being Russia, China and England. The three I hate the most.

"You're actually drinking tea for once?" England and China ask at the same time. I smile and shake my head.

"Then what is it?" China asked, a little confused.

"I smell it. That's vodka cranberry." Russia responded, looking at me disgusted and offended after a minute the other two mirrored Russia's expression and just went to their seats not saying anything to me.

I continued to quietly sip on my vodka while the rest of the nations arrived, Mexica is still on leave but Mexico isn't they have two personifications for one nation so Mexico sits down next to me with Canada on my other side. Canada looks at me confused and I offer him a drink, he grabs it and takes a sip before handing it back and looking away from me. I chuckle softly when Mexico grabbed the tea cup from my hand and took a sip himself.

"Why vodka cranberry at 7am?" Mexico or should I say Diego asked me, disgusted.

"I have to get through the day somehow." I respond with a shrug, both of them share a glance before looking away and back towards the front of the room.

Once the organizations arrived the meeting started and it didn't do into chaos at the very beginning, mostly because I didn't say much and only tossed ideas or just stayed quiet.

"America, I have a question for you." UN said, turning towards me. I looked up at him confused slightly and gave a hum in acknowledgement. "Why, pray-tell, do you have a chest all of a sudden?" He asked, I started choking on my vodka. Setting my tea cup down I stand up and look down at myself.

"Fuckkkkk. I'm to tired for this." I say, sitting back down. "I have no gender and therefore can be either one, I normally wear a binder since most of you think of me as a man but I suppose I forgot it today." I explain, leaning back in my seat.

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