Chapter 6

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(America's pov)

I had to wake Lectwist up since she fell asleep on me. Once I did shake her awake she groaned but got off of my shoulder.

"What's with being so clingy today?" I ask her, putting my phone away.

"I always am clingy, you're just never home. I have to turn to the youngest two and they cling to me." She responded very quietly since we didn't want anyone to find out about the rest of the kids.

"Sorry that I'm never home." I responded to her, she smiled and slipped her hand into mine intertwining our fingers.

"It's alright." She said tightening the grip.

(Canada's pov)

I watched in astonishment as America and his wife had a very close relationship. 'He's never like that with anyone, who is she to him?' I ask myself in my mind in pure shock.

"Does anyone understand their relationship?" I ask the others pointing to the two lovebirds sitting alone.

"Nope, I understand nothing." Zea stated, I looked over at him and our sister who stared in shock and with her mouth agape.

I tilted my head before looking back over at the two and noticed that Japan and Germany joined them and Italy followed them and Romano followed him.

(America's pov)

I watched as Germany and Japan joined us along with the Italy twins.

"What made you decide to join <your parents?>" Lectwist asked the two with a smirk. The two just paled and avoided eye contact with her.

"You didn't expose anything, did you?" I asked them both, they shook their heads in response.

"Ve~ what do you mean expose?" Italy asked us both, I locked eyes with Lect and she nodded.

"Nothing important." I responded, looking over at the clock I got up from my seat and Lect followed after me and we left the cafeteria.

Walking into the meeting room I pulled a chair next to mine and Lectwist claimed it as hers. We both sat down and just sat there in silence, waiting for the others.

I watched as they all piled into the room and into their seats. I noticed how our kids had all sat together a smile crossed my lips once I saw this.

(Japan's pov)

I watched Ma smile at us all since we sat together. It was only me and my brother, Ludwig, who caught the smile Ma gave us all.

Germany smiled back at her and I did as well. She grinned and mom had to relax her. We continued the meeting and during the meeting France picked a fight with England again.

Both of our parents came closer to us and we did to them.

"How have you both been?" Mom asked us both, happy to us again.

"We've been great, thank you for asking." Germany responded, I wanted to say something but if I did I'd expose us all and I don't want to put that on my parents.

"I'm glad, Ludwig. Mina, are you alright dear?" Mom asked me, I nodded with a smile and she still looked concern.

"Yea, Mina are you alright?" Ma asked, I smiled with a nod again. Now everyone in our little corner stared at me in concern.

I wanted to speak but if I do I'd expose our secret and I don't want to do that, what should I do? I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it again. I could feel a wave of emotion wash over me along with the sickening feeling in my stomach.

I wrapped my arms around my stomach and covered my mouth with one hand, the sickening feeling still there.

"Mina, are you truly alright!?" Mom asked me more panicked, I could feel the welling of hot tears in my eyes and squeezed them shut.

I felt a hand on my back and then warmth in front of me, I opened my eyes to see my mom hugging me and trying to comfort me while Ma is watching with concern and trying to relax my brother.

(Lectwist's pov)

I hold my daughter close to me, I noticed the tears in her eyes and brought her to me. When she looked up at me I saw the panic etched onto her expression and in her eyes, almost like they were screaming for help.

I pulled her closer and rubbed circles onto her back trying to calm her down.

"It's alright, I'm here my dear." I whispered to her along with, "You'll be okay, mom's right here." Over and over. I could feel her shoulders losen in my grip.

I looked down at her and she looked less panicked and fearful.

"ごめんなさい、お母さん。パニックになるつもりはなかった。(Sorry, Mom. I didn't mean to panic.)" She said to me in japanese.

"It's alright, I'm right here." I whisper to her. She relaxed more and leaned into my embrace. I looked away from her and back over at Rica and Germany who she's holding in her arms.

"Why did Mina call you 'mom'?" A voice asked, I looked in the direction of the speaker and saw it was Taiwan or Mei Wang.

"I'll explain." Rica said, standing up and covering me and Japan.

"You better you capitalist pig!" China screeched. I stared at the angry asian man, anger filling my own veins.

"I adopted Japan, Germany and South Korea during wars. Japan during WW2 then South Korea and Germany during the cold War. NATO and NASA were organizations formed in my country and are also my kids." Rica explained to them all, NATO and NASA both stood up at the mention of their names.

"You have nine kids!?" Brazil asked, shocked.

I started laughing. "There's 85 kids. The three countries, 58 states, 14 territories, 6 military branches, 2 organizations and 2 capitals." I said to them all with a shit-eating grin.

"The four that came crashing through the meeting the other day were the Carolina and Dakota twins." I say to them, letting go of Japan who went over and clung to her brother and I walked over to Rica and grabbed her hand.

The other nations looked floored along with the organizations that stared at NATO and NASA in shock.

"We'll do a questioning then." Rica said, leading me to the front of the table and sitting down there.

I stood behind her with NATO and NASA while Japan and Germany sat on either side of her. Japan on her left and Germany on her right.

"Well?" She said in a questioning tone. "Sit." She demanded, the nations and organizations obliged and sat down.


So uh hi-

Don't know what to say but we're finally getting to them finding out about the kids! Fucking finally! Also I have no idea how long this will be so be prepared for many chapters as I've been in a big writing mood lately.



Word count: 1153

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