In tandem

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Amidst the bustling cacophony of Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok, where the constant hum of conversations harmonized with the roaring departure of planes, a singular figure emerged, instantly commanding the undivided attention of all present.

Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak, a man graced with flawlessly handsome facial features, whose very existence has been whispered about in gossip columns and magazines, has just returned to the country following a year-long business sojourn in Japan.

His strides exuded confidence, each step a proclamation of self-assurance, while his magnetic gaze effortlessly drew the attention of onlookers like moths to a flame. Towering above the crowd, his lustrous brunette locks impeccably styled, he exuded an aura of confidence and elegance that seemed almost otherworldly. It was as though the assembled throngs at the airport could scarcely believe that such an epitome of perfection had graced their midst.

In the realms of both fashion and business, he was renowned as a paragon of success, yet few glimpsed beyond the polished facade to the man who viewed the world primarily through the lens of his work, reluctant to venture beyond the confines of his professional responsibilities to cultivate a robust social life.

At a youthful thirty years of age, he already has ascended to the esteemed role of General Director at "Fashionable," a premier luxury clothing design company based in Thailand. Renowned for its exclusive collections, "Fashionable" has garnered acclaim both domestically and internationally. Engaging in conversations with key figures in the fashion industry, he gleaned inspiration that served as the catalyst for his innovative collections. His vision extended beyond mere trend-following; he sought to infuse his creations with the quintessence of elegance, reinterpreted through a contemporary lens.

As Gemini strode through the bustling airport lobby, his keen eyes caught sight of a towering billboard adorning the wall. The promotional banner touted his company's latest collection, yet something about the campaign stirred a sense of discontent within him. His gaze lingered on the poorly executed graphic concept and an advertising slogan that fell short of encapsulating the visionary message he sought to impart to the world.

Norawit, a man of exacting standards, didn't abide imperfections lightly. He pivoted towards his sole confidant, his trusted secretary-general, Mark Pakin. Mark, a black-haired individual slightly shorter than his boss, possessed sharply defined facial features and a winsome smile. From the inception of their journey, Mark had been by Norawit's side, weathering the highs of success and the lows of uncertainty. Since their academic days, they had surmounted every obstacle together, scaling the pinnacle of their respective careers.

- Mark, we are going to have a word with the marketing team regarding this ad. It's simply unacceptable. It fails to capture the essence of what we aimed to convey. We need to rectify this, and preferably, this week. - He stated firmly, his brow furrowing with displeasure. Mark glanced at the ad and then back at his boss, nodding in understanding.

-I see. We will deal with it as soon as possible. I'll arrange a meeting as soon as we get in the car. Maybe we can add some personal vision?

-That's exactly what I mean. We need to arouse interest, not just present clothes. But this is only the beginning. I have some other ideas I'd like to talk to you about. - The brunet declared, his head nodding in comprehension, his gestures expansive.

Two days later, his grandfather, Mr. Night, who had until recently held the position of CEO at the company, paid a visit to the luxurious apartment of the thirty-year-old. The interior of the apartment radiated elegance, while the panoramic view of the city from the window added to the tranquil ambiance.

Proposal || GeminiFourthWhere stories live. Discover now