Initiation of intimacy

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On Saturday, the long-awaited day for their planned date in Phuket arrived. Given the considerable distance of almost nine hundred kilometers between Bangkok and Phuket, Gemini carefully considered their travel arrangements. Recognizing the potential stress and fatigue that could come from a twelve-hour car journey, he opted for a more comfortable and efficient mode of transportation. He warmly welcomed his younger companion with first-class plane tickets, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable journey to their destination. After all, nobody wants to spend half a day cooped up in a hot car when the goal is to unwind and enjoy each other's company.

The hotel where they had booked their stay was anything but low-end. As the CEO spared no expense to ensure that everything was perfect for their time together. He was not a man of modest means, and he believed in giving his best in every aspect of life, especially when it came to wooing his partner. To him, offering the most lavish accommodations, luxurious services, and every possible amenity was simply a given. He wanted to demonstrate his commitment and appreciation by providing nothing but the best for his partner, from the most expensive room to every indulgent detail of their stay.

- Gem, we could have stayed in a more modest hotel, you know. - Fourth remarked, gesturing widely as he took in the opulence of their shared room. - This place feels like a palace, and I can't even imagine how much it costs per night.

Norawit, concerned about the comfort of his companion, asked if the accommodations were suitable for him. Despite the designer's reservations about the extravagance, the businessman was determined to spare no expense in ensuring their time together was unforgettable.

- We need to de-stress and just unwind, without worrying about anything. - Gemini explained, his tone earnest. Despite the lavishness of their surroundings, Titicharoenrak wasn't one to indulge in extravagance for its own sake. Despite his considerable wealth, which only seemed to grow, he didn't subscribe to the notion that luxury or the most expensive options equated to a fulfilling experience. Sure, he had splurged on occasion, but it wasn't his modus operandi.

This trip held special significance for him—it marked his first real break from work since he'd dedicated himself fully to his career. It was also the first time he wasn't accompanied by a friend or his grandfather, which meant the expenses, while hefty, didn't weigh heavily on his mind. For him, the value of this trip lay not in its cost but in the opportunity to unwind and experience something new.

- I won't argue about it, thank you. - Nattawat replied with a warm smile, expressing his gratitude for companion's thoughtfulness. As a gesture of appreciation, he leaned in and planted a gentle kiss on the taller man's cheek—a surprising act considering their previous reservations about physical contact. Despite both of them enjoying affectionate gestures, they had hesitated to express such intimacy with each other. However, in that significant moment, Fourth's lips touching the elder's cheek signified a shift in their relationship dynamics, breaking down barriers and allowing their affection to blossom more freely.

- Maybe we can explore a bit of the area and find somewhere nearby to have lunch on foot? - Gemini suggested, his cheeks still slightly flushed from the unexpected intimacy.

- I like this idea. I'll freshen up a bit and we can go, okay?

As the men ventured forth, their appetites led them to a quaint restaurant renowned for its succulent steaks. With a shared passion for this culinary delight, they exchanged little more than knowing glances before stepping into the establishment and settling at a table near the window. Inside, the ambiance exuded a sense of rustic charm, with wooden accents adorning the walls and furnishings. However, what truly set this eatery apart was the profusion of verdant foliage draping from the ceiling and adorning the window sills, imbuing the space with a vibrant, natural allure. Soft, twinkling lights delicately woven amidst the branches added a touch of enchantment, casting a spellbinding glow throughout the room.

Proposal || GeminiFourthWhere stories live. Discover now