Gems of humanity

770 51 41

The trio settled onto the expansive leather couch in the CEO's opulent living room. Gemini, after gathering his thoughts, was the first to break the silence.

- Do you remember everything?

- Of course. I could even serenade it for you. Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak was born in Thailand as the only son of Mrs....

- What are you doing? - Norawit interrupted the younger one, his expression conveying a mix of amusement and patience.

- I thought it would be good if I remembered your biography too. Right? - The designer, clearly perplexed by the interruption, responded with a puzzled expression.

- You're not going to recite that to Mr. Night. But I must admit, Mr. Jirochtikul, I am impressed. - Mark flashed a smile, directing his words to the youngest among them.

- Knowledge will never let you down. - Fourth whispered with a charming smile playing on his lips.

- If you know everything, what will you answer when my grandfather asks you if you will meet him in two weeks? - Gemini rose to his feet, fixing a stern gaze upon the designer.

- He's your grandfather, so I don't see a problem with disagreeing. So I would answer something like "of course"?

- Wrong! It's our anniversary in two weeks, so you should say no. Couples spend this day together, right?

- Oh shit, there you got me. Well, since YOU know everything, I also have a question. What did I wear the first day we met?

- How can I know that?

- You should remember that. I was wearing a white suit and I was holding a yellow umbrella in my hand to protect myself from the rain.

- I do not like rain. - Norawit interrupted him once again. - It's late, we'll take you back.

The atmosphere in the car remained tranquil, though Fourth attributed it to the obvious fatigue. With the clock ticking past three in the morning, he found himself still awake, his mind grappling with various thoughts. As exhaustion crept over him, his eyelids drooped, but just as he was about to succumb to sleep, he jolted awake at the last moment. Yet, he didn't manage to evade it entirely. His head tilted to the right, nearing the young businessman beside him.

Gemini, ever the gentleman, instinctively reached out and gently steadied the younger man's face before it could collide. A small smile played on Norawit's lips as he observed the designer's features. Fleetingly, thoughts flickered through his mind about the designer's charm and how his appearance aligned with his preferences, but he quickly composed himself. If Mark had glanced away from the wheel at that moment, the businessman knew he'd be subjected to teasing for months on end.

In the following days, tension gripped the company as stress weighed heavily on all employees. The upcoming clothing collection remained in disarray, prompting an escalation in the frequency and intensity of meetings with the design team. What intensified matters further was the CEO's consistent presence at every meeting, underscoring the gravity of the situation. He meticulously absorbed design ideas and closely scrutinized presentations, all with a strategic eye towards the forthcoming fashion show.

- Together, with the third team, we made designs for tied jackets. This clothing has been very fashionable in recent years and people are eager to wear it. - One of the designers named Net began to recite, his voice carrying a sense of urgency mixed with determination.

- If you're going to mumble the rules from memory, you might as well skip the next meeting altogether. Furthermore, understand that we don't recycle trends here. We create them. We set the pace. - Norawit's voice cut through the air with a steely edge, his eyes fixed firmly on his notes. Fourth, seated across the square table, couldn't help but flinch at the elder's tone. It wasn't that he was fearful of confrontation or incapable of handling criticism. Rather, the atmosphere was palpably tense, and until the final designs secured approval, there seemed to be no relief in sight. - I will now request the first team to deliver their introductory presentation. - Nattawat felt a slight tension grip him, but he composed himself, adjusting his position in the chair before he began to speak.

Proposal || GeminiFourthUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum