Finding home

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The palpable tension that had gripped the company dissipated like a gentle breeze following the resounding success of the fashion show. With the weight of anticipation lifted, employees exhaled a collective sigh of relief, their shoulders easing from the burdens of stress. They navigated their tasks with newfound ease, each movement infused with a sense of tranquility and purpose. Smiles, once scarce commodities, now flourished abundantly, exchanged freely among colleagues as if currency of joy. The workplace, once fraught with apprehension, now hummed with renewed vitality and camaraderie.

The bond between the two men blossomed and evolved, each Saturday becoming a cherished opportunity for shared experiences and deepening understanding. They meticulously curated their outings, alternating between activities to explore each other's passions and preferences with genuine interest. However, today's scheduled date took an unexpected turn, diverging from their carefully laid plans.

Their leisurely stroll through the park was abruptly cut short mere minutes after it began, as Fourth's phone buzzed insistently with an urgent call from their father. Front, left unattended at the restaurant, had become embroiled in an unforeseen crisis. What could have been dismissed as a minor inconvenience swiftly escalated as news arrived through a family friend: His sister, had been caught red-handed pilfering from the cash register before absconding in haste.

Nattawat's disbelief echoed in the air, his mind struggling to reconcile the image of his younger sister with the revelation of her desperate actions. Never before had she expressed any need for money, leaving him bewildered by the sudden turn of events. After a brief exchange of silent communication with his companion, they shared a mutual understanding and resolved to confront the situation head-on. With a sense of urgency gnawing at their hearts, they hastened towards the designated place, propelled by a mix of concern and determination to uncover the truth behind the girl's inexplicable actions.

As they made their way towards the younger man's family workplace, Gemini couldn't shake off the nervous fluttering in his stomach. The prospect of meeting his partner's family for the first time loomed before him, casting a veil of apprehension over his usually composed demeanor. While he anticipated their late return home, the reality of the situation had not fully registered in his mind, leaving him feeling unprepared for the potential complexities that lay ahead. Despite his best efforts to remain calm and collected, the uncertainty of the upcoming encounter weighed heavily on his thoughts, a subtle undercurrent of unease amidst the anticipation.

As they stepped into the restaurant, the elder's eyes swept over the familiar sights of traditionally adorned tables and rich burgundy walls, evoking a sense of warmth and nostalgia. Though not expansive in size, the ambiance exuded an unmistakable aura of culinary excellence, promising a feast for both the palate and the soul.

Norawit's gaze was drawn to the counter where beer was served, his attention captured by a collection of photographs from the designer's childhood. Each image painted a portrait of a bygone era, showcasing a younger version of his partner surrounded by the embrace of a loving and harmonious family. Their beaming smiles, frozen in time, exuded an infectious joy that resonated deeply within him, captivating him with their timeless charm and sense of familial unity.

- I don't believe it, she doesn't take away the bullshit from me. - Fourth muttered anxiously, his eyes glued to the screen displaying the footage capturing the entire debacle.

- Relax, it'll all work out in the end somehow. She can't avoid coming back here forever. - The businessman reassured, enveloping Nattawat in a comforting embrace. Gradually, the designer felt his tense muscles ease under the soothing touch, finding solace in the moment.

- I don't understand why she needs this money? She's never been one to ask for money out of the blue. What's changed this time?

- Perhaps she felt embarrassed constantly relying on others for money. Being underage, she couldn't even legally work to support herself. It's natural for girls her age to yearn for independence and self-sufficiency.

Proposal || GeminiFourthWhere stories live. Discover now