Truth unveiled

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As Saturday arrived, a rare day off from work, Fourth found himself waiting by one of the doors in the expansive hallway of a nearby apartment building. His best friend had made the difficult decision to distance himself, at least partially, from his father, and the first step was moving out of their family home. Nattawat couldn't refuse Ford's request for assistance, so he now patiently waited for his friend to grant him entry into his new abode.

- You're finally here, come quickly, there's a breakdown! - As the door burst open, his eyes quickly fell upon his friend's outstretched hand, which eagerly beckoned him inside. Without hesitation, he allowed himself to be pulled into the apartment by his friend, eager to offer support and companionship. - Cockroach! I am begging you, kill this devil's seed! - Arun's voice echoed through the apartment as he shouted, gesturing emphatically while perched atop the kitchen counter.

In the center of the living room, an upside-down garbage can revealed a disgusting bug beneath it. Fourth, accustomed to disposing of insects for his younger sister, didn't hesitate despite feeling a twinge of disgust. With resolve, he slipped a piece of paper under the basket and made his way to the window, intending to release the creature outside.

- No problem. - With the basket properly positioned on the floor, Nattawat brushed invisible dust from his hands and puffed out his chest proudly, a sense of accomplishment washing over him.

- Okay, let's start unpacking. - Ford's smile broadened, and the younger's gaze fell upon a vast pile of cardboard boxes containing his friend's belongings.

The designers initially doubted they could tackle the mountain of boxes in a few days, yet somehow, they defied expectations and completed the unpacking before midnight. Fourth anticipated relaxing in his cozy room, but Arun had other plans. Instead, he proposed a toast to their hard work, and the two friends settled onto the couch with glasses of wine in hand. As they sipped and relaxed, they indulged in gossip about coworkers, parents, and other trivial matters, enjoying each other's company into the late hours of the night.

- Did you hear that our CEO got a slap from an employee? Apparently he even bled! - Ford chuckled heartily, unaware that the subject of his amusement was none other than his own companion; the purported assailant behind the CEO's alleged slap.

- Yeah, hilarious. - The younger one retorted sarcastically, but his friend, already a bit tipsy, missed the tone and persisted with the topic. Jirochtikul, however, refrained from broaching the subject of the arranged marriage and upcoming dates. He remembered the recent string of problems the elder had been facing, particularly with family conflicts, realizing that adding more stress could potentially lead to a nervous breakdown. Perhaps rescheduling this conversation would have been a more considerate approach.

The following morning seemed auspicious to the young designer, with Ford taking him shopping, showering him with praise, and even scheduling a professional makeup session under the pretext of apologizing for the awkward dating situation. Jirochtikul remained oblivious to Arun's true intentions. Clad in attire befitting a red carpet event, they made their way to a nearby restaurant to indulge in coffee and casual conversation.

- Don't you think this makeup is a bit too much? I don't think I need such a strong plaster. - Nattawat chuckled.

- You know, It's like that because I told them to create this. - His friend grimaced.

- What do you mean?

- Listen very carefully. Mr. Titicharoenrak will be here soon to meet you.

- What? How so?!

- He found out from somewhere that you were pretending and texted me to arrange this meeting. He demands an apology. Sorry, honey! - Arun closed his eyes tightly and folded his hands in front of the younger man, perhaps signaling a moment of apology.

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