Savoring affection

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The day of the banquet arrived with alarming speed, catching the staff off guard amidst their flurry of responsibilities. Amidst the whirlwind of tasks, the entire month seemed to evaporate unnoticed. While most people typically associate events like banquets with leisure, relaxation, and enjoyment, for the first team, it was quite the contrary. Every aspect of preparation had to be executed with utmost professionalism, for their future prospects hung in the balance. Any hint of imperfection could spell disaster and the employees were acutely aware that one misstep could have dire consequences.

Fourth found himself catching his breath by the bathroom sink, stealing a moment's respite from the meticulous scrutiny of the banquet hall's decor. Technically, it wasn't his responsibility—he was in charge of catering. But with the team understaffed, how could Nattawat refuse to lend a hand? The last-minute adjustments and embellishments were nearing completion, so the workload wasn't overwhelming. Yet, exhaustion crept in, the inevitable result of overseeing everything from the crack of dawn until the late hours of the evening.

- Feeling tired? - Gemini's sudden entrance into the restroom startled the younger designer, who was unaware of anyone else's presence.

- Shit! You scared me. - He exclaimed, clutching his heart and sighing heavily in relief.

- When it's just us two, you can call me by my name. Gemini is enough.

- Understood, Gemini. To answer your earlier question, yes, I'm damn tired. I don't know how I can survive without a nap until the end of the party. - He confessed, rubbing his weary eyes.

- Run to my office and take a nap on the couch. No one will enter there without a previously scheduled meeting, so you can feel safe. - Titicharoenrak suggested, offering a solution to his exhaustion.

- But I still have a lot of work to do there. It's unprofessional to leave all the staff to their own devices. - The designer hesitated, torn between his exhaustion and his sense of responsibility. He really wanted to agree, but he also wanted to perform his duties properly and see things through to the end.

- As you can see, I'm here now. I'll take a look here and there and express my opinion. I'll just replace you. You must be rested during the banquet because you are going there as my accompanying person.

- What? Why am I finding out about this now? After all, it's a company event. How can we show up together?

- My grandfather is extremely excited to meet you again. It would be weird if my fiancé stood across the room for the entire event, right?

- Mother of God, I can already feel the rumors.

- Don't worry about them, and if they will bother you too much, just whisper a word to me and I will take care of it appropriately.

- Thank you, Gem. - Nattawat exclaimed, surprising the elder with the nickname. A flicker of astonishment passed over the elder's face, causing his stomach to flutter and his cheeks to flush a faint red. Fortunately, the designer seemed too fatigued to notice his reaction. Seizing the opportunity, Norawit bid farewell to the younger man, slipping him the keys to the office before departing.

Norawit found himself puzzled by his sudden shift in behavior, a departure from his usual strict professionalism. He had become inexplicably drawn to this charming man, unaware of when this attachment had taken root. Slowly but steadily, he sensed a void in his life being filled, replaced by genuine warmth and smiles that transcended mere business formalities. Though he relished this newfound sensation, he hesitated to probe its origins, content to let things unfold naturally. After all, work remained paramount in his life and it had been his primary focus for so long. Yet, despite his unwavering dedication to his career, thoughts of a certain endearing employee began to occupy his mind more frequently than deemed necessary.

Proposal || GeminiFourthOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora