New Friend, Old Enemy

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I don't own this picture! 


Me and my brothers are running across rooftops, having fun. 

"Check it out! Yehee!" Donnie exclaimed. 

"Top that, turtle chumps!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"All right, guys. Check this out." Leo stated. 

"Cute, kiddies." Raph stated as he runs full tilt to leap space and barrels right into Leo, Donnie and Mikey. 

"Hey, what was that? You didn't do any flips." Donnie stated. 

"Hey Y/n, you coming or what?" Leo asked. 

"Coming, check this out, see you if you guys can beat this?" I asked, I do a ninja roll, summersault and a triple backhand spring and stuck the landing. 

"And she sticks the landing, huh?" I stated, looking at my brothers who's jaws hit the floor. 

"You better close your mouths, you could chase flies." I stated. 

I grin but something catches my attention and when I look around, so do my brothers. They dart to hide by a wall, each drawing their weapon. I see the kitten and was about to say something but  Leo runs out, swords ready, and sees a kitten, which meows at us. 

"Don't give up, Leo. You might actually win this fight." Raph stated, sarcastically. 

"Aww! It's a little kitty...And its name is..." Mikey said, picking up the little kitten. 

"Mittens!" I hear a voice call out. 

"Good guess. Wait, who said that?" Mikey asked. 

"Mittens?" The voice called out again. 

"I think that's the owner...What are you doing?" Donnie stated and asked after Mikey tried to see the man. 

"Whoa, hey!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Mikey, wait!" I shouted. 

"What? I'm returning Mittens to her owner." Mikey stated. 

"Are you an idiot? Wait let me rephrase that. You're an idiot!" Raph shouted. 

"You can't show yourself to a human." Donnie stated. 

"Why not?" Mikey asked. 

"Because they'll freak the heck out, that's why not." Donnie stated. 

"No, they won't. I'm not so scary." Mikey stated. 

"You're an ugly, green mutant armed with ninja weapons." Raph stated. 

"Look, this guy's gonna see that I'm just a regular, cat-loving dude like him. Next thing you know, we'll be best buds. This is gonna be awesome!" Mikey stated. 

"Mikey! Wait, let me take Mittens home. I'm the only human of the group and he won't be freaked out by me. Come on, hand her over." I stated. 

Mikey handed over Mittens and I jumped off the rooftop. 

Man: Mittens!

"Excuse me sir, is this your kitten?" I ask the man as I held the kitten out to him. 

"Mittens! Thank you so much, please allow me to repay you." The man stated, holding out a $100 to me. 

"It's okay, sir, you don't have to pay me. I was just in the area and saw your cat. Then I heard you call out for her and I put the pieces together." I stated. 

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